Sunday, March 9, 2008

Swedish Biscuits and Homemade Beans !!


Dear Cindy Anne way down there in sunny Texas where this latest storm began was wondering whether we had stocked up on supplies for this kind of storm. Well , we have  literally oodles of food..... and should the power go out , then we don our boots and dig a tunnel out to this little baby.... my outdoor oven....... somewhere out in the backyard behind the house. I always keep lots of flour , yeast and water is , of course, no problem. In fact , frozen water in the form of snow , IS THE PROBLEM ! And in no time flat Fluff could mix up a batch of Swedish biscuits while I would cook up a small crock of Quebec style homemade beans . Just another tidbit of info from polecat's almanac !   ..


  1. Yeah..while Cindy was brewing up that storm I was hoarding batteries and candles...

  2. hehe.. you seem to have some power.. we lost ours last night just after the pizza I made was out of the oven. My daughter's is still out and it after 4 here. I think she will be coming here for dinner and to sleep. House is too cold for the baby. They have a wood stove and Bernie will have to stay home to keep it going so the pipes don't freeze.

    I remember one thanksgiving the power going off as I was cooking a turkey. I pulled it out of the oven, hacked it into quarters, double wrapped in foil and stuck it in the fireplace. We didn't have the wood stove at the time. Now with the proper pots and pans, I can throw together a meal and even make coffee if needs be. Jaime knows it is possible to use the wood stove to cook on, but she never paid close enough attention when I was forced to improvise.

  3. Hey Barb... sorry to hear about your loss of power but moreso maybe for Jaime because of the baby and all.... hope all is well with them now though ! Your son - in - law could take afew hours off though as the pipes would not freeze up that quickly since the outdoor temp is not all that bad for the moment , Better off safe than sorry I guess ! I was kidding mainly .... as you well guesse... about the outdoor oven since we also have a fireplace or even the prpoane BBQ out on the front veranda. Great idea you had durig the Thanksgiving outage.... necessity makes geniuses of us all !! HUgs !

  4. That is so great that you do have your ways in case something would happen with the power and all. Glad that everything turned out well with the latest storm. I just heard from Reb that it just stoped to snow. Here in good ole Sweden, it's been raining all day... Well, of course that is in my parts of the country! Up north there have been some snow and stormy winds as well.

    Stay warm! KRAM

  5. Wow you all are really survivors. Ready for anything!! I tell you what ........those bisquits and beans sound mighty good. I can smell them, now!
    Getting ready for a hurricane would be a snap for you all. I can just imagine what all you could cook in that oven. Pizza?
    I think I remember you doing a blog about that oven in 360. Don't the Indians have something similar that you wrote about? ( the memory goes first. ya know!)
    I won't worry about you all any more. BUT I was thinking last night what would you do if you woke up one morning and your whole house was covered??

  6. I never had more blackouts in my life than here in Ohio. The politicians finally seem to have given the local power company enough grief that they're trimming back the tree branches where the power lines are in an effort to hold down on the number of power outages.

    I have 2 or 3 flashlights in every room of the house and am considering getting one of those radios that you crank to generate power so you can hear the news. Just in case I use up all my batteries.

    But we can't eat the radio so emergency food preparation is still a concern.

  7. Hey xchips I got one of those radios last year. I have pulled it out a couple of times just to be sure it still works and it does. Guess i should try and use it more.
    I wonder if the Canada survivior has one??

  8. You have one and it works! That's recommendation enough for me. (c;

    er...Which Canada survivior are we looking for?? *LOL*

  9. Moi !! And yes to both of you with proof posted above !! The crank up radio - flashlight !! And IT WORKS TOO !!

  10. OMG!! He's got a Laser Sword!! Where IS Hans Solo (now that sounds Swedish) when you need him?? **LOL**

  11. Lonesome you just reminded me I have a red light and clear light on mine too. The red one flashes and there is a siren? You got a siren??

  12. We don't need no stinken' sirens.*LOL*^

    ^a steal from "Blazing Saddles" which stole it from "The Treasure of Sierra Madre". (c;

  13. I really don't know what the siren's for. I guess If I am buried under my house I can turn it on and someone will find me??

  14. I'd accept that as a reasonable use of one's siren! Just don't forget where the button is. Not that you'll ever need it but maybe someone else, like a neighbor, will. (c;

  15. Mine has red blinker , on / off , flash , French police siren plus free French lessons , Tea For Two , etc

  16. Ah ! I had forgotten... it's waterproof , bulletproof and foolproof ! LOL

  17. I am glad you did not lose power but if you do you have a way to eat.

  18. All this dialogue because the Yellow Rose of Texas challenged my national pride and ability to survive !! ( chuckle , chuckle )

  19. Oh I KNEW you were a survivior...I just wanted details because I knew you would do it the most unique and most interesting way! LOL
