Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter To Everybody !! Fridge / Freezer Overflow !!









You are all invited to our home for the Easter meal. You will have a choice of leg of lamb , grain - fed youthful turkey or Schneider's smoked ham ...... maybe even a combo of all three . What is your favourite Easter meat ? Our backyard rooster , Foghorn , is watching over the meats in the snowbank since the fridge is full........keeping the raccoons at bay.. Happy Easter to you all !!


  1. I have put food out on our porch when the electricity had been off. But with a must be up very high!!!

  2. Hi Julie - Ann... right on but I sink the lamb and turkey into the snow and block off the vaulted dome entrance because I do'nt want the ham frozen. On the boughs with the entrance closed off the temp will stay close to 33-34 F. Happy Easter to you and Willie.

  3. I am so "gun-shy" with you.. I never know when you are for real - because I remember a similar situation over a year ago on 360!
    I,honestly, believe you do have cabin fever!! I know you go to the stores and close by trips but I think you need to get out for a few weeks or so. LOL
    Don't know how that Easter Bunny is going to find your house. All his/her eggs will be frozen!
    I hope you all have a very Happy Easter!

  4. Why , Miss Cindy Anne... ma'am , ..... I do believe you may be right about my taking a few weeks away from the snow , etc As long as the bunny delivers three smiling men on a raft ( three eggs sunny side up ) tomorrow morning for breakfast I 'll be happy !!! Happy Easter to you and best wishes to Bob Wills and the Boys ! Hugs !

  5. Happy Easter to you as well! Glad Påsk! You got a HUGE fridge there! LOL I think I would like to have a bite of that smoked ham! =o)

    Very nice photos!


  6. Easter; so far today a slice of poppy seed roll for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Who knows what the evening will bring? (c;

  7. Mona.... I shall reserve a special slice a smokd ham for you , my dear....... with a colourful and tasty thick slice of fresh pineapple......... sprinkled with a spray of maplew syrup. HUgs and Glad Påsk to ou and Timmy also.

  8. Hopefully evening will bring a scrumptious meal before you and your wife.... and guests maybe ?Happy Easter , Jim...

  9. Nope, no guests. We drew up the draw bridge and the alligators in the moat haven't been fed in days. **LOL**

  10. Sounds delicious Gerry!! Yummy! How did you know I LOVE pineapple!??

  11. As usual Im always to late for dinner...but I'll just take a hearty helping of the sides, no meat for Moi. Still hoping for an fast and steady meltdown.
