Thursday, May 31, 2007

Entry for May 31, 2007 Two For One..... With a Hitch !!

When Fluff was going out the door to run errands at the mall I gave her the above coupon and a big cardboard box with a cover. Of course she wanted to know the whys and wherefores ........ so I graciously told her. I explained that all this week the IGA supermarket had a special deal on chicken under two kilos...........two for the price of one..... but that she needed the box because the second bird was alive ! Now Fluff's French is still a bit shaky so I hope she will make out all right once she gets to the cash out counter !! She knows that "gratuitement " means "FREE"... and her slogan for many years now has always been , " If it's free , it's for me!" so maybe she will have a fruitful experience.

P.S. For those who might get the wrong idea.....Fluff saw through my ploy immediately and called my bluff !! It was fun trying though !!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Entry for May 28, 2007 A Chainsawer's Thoughts on Memorial Day

Even though I am not an American I wish to express my best wishes to all my US friends for a most reflective , thoughtful .... or even prayerful day .... should the latter be your personal wont.......and simply reiterate what I said last year ......."raising my glass to toast all those lads and lasses who , at any moment in the history of mankind , with a swagger in their step and fire in their eyes.... those more fearful , those more intrepid , fought and gave their lives....or fought and survived.... for a cause they believed just." SeanRud /2006.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Entry for May 26, 2007 Piling Up Points !!!

1) Thank you , dear Lord , for letting me caretake the land you have so kindly allotted me and likewise for giving me the energy to keep pace with all the responsibilities that accompany such a task.

2) And thank you also , dear Lord , for straightening out my aching back and knees as I struggle to rise from planting Fluff's tomato patch ......the benefits of which she shall reap come August as well as for the hard-earned " brownie" points gained thereof.

3) But most of all , kind Lord , a big thank you for enlightening my decision to give in to Fluff's tantrum and get air conditioning in the new car. I now see the wisdom of it all and fully realize the huge bushel basket of bargaining chips this has blown my way for future negotiations between myself and Her Fluffiness !!

P.S. This is a non-theme blog , friends..... not one of those long , cumbersome ones as it is far too hot to be indoors today !!.......just a simple wave of the hand to greet you all and wish you all a wonderful weekend. Cindy Anne was wondering whether I was behaving myself of late during my silent period.... and this blogling should set her mind at ease !!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Entry for May 18, 2007 Misnomers , Mixups and Misunderstandings !!

The older I get the narrower the field of vision in the windshield before me and the broader the panoramic sights in my rearview mirror.........which simply means that with age memory plays a bigger role in daily living. Not that there's anything wrong with that !! I am truly saddened for those whom Alzheimers has robbed of these fundamentally human pleasures. And this is what makes us different from other animals .... the fact that we can reflect upon past experiences .... recalling them from our hard-drives at will ..... having thoughts about thoughts !! quality fruit-of-the-loom thinking !!..... the very core of philosophical reasoning , contemplation and cogitations. Enough small talk !! Let's get on with the main theme.

As most of you already know so well Fluff and I live in a bubble , so to speak. We speak English at home but as soon as we set foot outside the house we must deal with all others of our milieu in French since we live in a 100% French-speaking area........ no sweat for me though as I have been here for over 45 years now and have worked , loved and lived in " la langue de Molière " all that time and feel very much at ease in these surroundings. However , sometimes while discussing the workings of the English language together.... whether it be a word , an expression or proverb .....or the intricate workings of the language itself .... my mind drifts back to some thing or event in the past ... triggered by some of our "fertile" ( pile on the manure !) conversations. The word " grindstone" and all its possible offshoots came up during one of these chitchats.

My Dad had a huge grindstone very much like the one in the picture above down in the cellar under our house. As a lad I would churn the handle while he would sharpen his axes , hachets , knives , scythes and sickles..... often stopping to dip the hot edges in the water contained in the pan underneath the stone. Quite often he would also hone my skates on the same stone. After each sharpening he would then whip out from his pocket a much smaller , smoother , flat ... rectangular stone , spit on it .... and rub and drag it along both sides of the newly sharpened blades , etc to remove the remaining jagged tidbits of metal. He called it a " whetstone ". Of course , I was very much in the learning process back then so I immediately associated the " whet-" part of the word with the usual meaning of wet .... and since my Dad had spat on the stone before using it.... everything fell into place for me. It was a " wetstone" !! And given the fact that both whetstone and wetstone are homophonic.... pronounced the same way.... I was convinced I had it right until I grew a bit older and heard the word used as a verb and not associated with any backup item such as stone but rather in other completely different contexts.

During the Second World War we had about 300 chickens so on weekends we often had company for supper. The men would congregate on the back stoop downing a few ales or throwing back a stiff belt or two of Fernandez blackstrap rhum while the ladies stayed inside chatting and getting the food ready for the evening meal. Moving freely from one group to the other I listened avidly to both conversations and learned that while the ladies were "whetting" their appetites inside with smoked clams on stale bread and gossiping.... the men outside were " wetting " their whistles with cheap rhum and beer !!

All in all I probably was still mixed up after those experiences and only came to find out the real meaning of " whet" ... and its spelling too .... a bit later on in life ..... even though it had remained stuck in my craw for a number of years.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Entry for May 16, 2007 Busybeavering in the Backyard !!

Puttering and prowling around the backyard this afternoon was no fun !!..... cold and blustery with snow in forecast for this evening. However , I did manage to reassure myself that circulation in the pool was working well so as to eliminate all possib ility of any surface freezing overnight when the temp will go below zero. Our big blue bathtub has been up and running for over a week already and I have been in for a quick dip almost every day with water temp roughly 52 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 Celcius....... a wee bit on the chilly side I guess. Then again each time I plop into the pool I think of all those unfortunate merchant seamen who were the unwilling victims of the icy North Atlantic waters after their ships were torpedoed during World War II......and I don't feel the cold any more. Add to this the fact that I grew up swimming in the Bay of Fundy during the first 13 years of my life and I have no merit at all.

These last three weeks I have not been very active in Yahoo360 but that does not mean that I am losing interest in my wee group of friends and readers.... Spring is upon us and there is a great deal of work to be done around the old homestead. Just changing the sand in my huge Lasar 225 pool filtre is a monumental job for one man .... and a messy one too !! And replacing aging hoses and joints to get the whole shebang to look as good as it does in above pic. I shall start visiting you all and commenting in the near future so keep the Faith until then. Fluff and I have likewise managed to pot some 150 dahlias , gladioli and calla lillies.... foxglove , morning glories , etc .... which are at different stages of growth throughout both the house and greenhouse.... with the return of the cold weather. Our big salon looks an awful lot like the Montreal Botanical Gardens. Speaking of Fluff.... I have formally forbidden that she set foot in the pool before June 1st. This should both soothe and ease her Scandinavian ego and conscience for not accompanying me in my daily dip !!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Entry for May 03, 2007 Stinkingly Beautiful !!

This last year a Florida judge refused to send a young child - molesting school teacher to jail because she was too pretty !!.... while another majestrate out in Nebraska ruled that a 50 - year -old child rapist could not be sent to prison because he was too short !! Mindful of these two cases I wonder whether our justice system might eventually exonerate convicted criminels from doing hard time simply because they radiate a foul and disgusting odour !!

P.S. Friday Update : Speaking of things stinky ...... might Paris Hilton be absolved from spending some well-deserved quality time in the slammer because she's too rich ? !! Certainly not because she's too cute !!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Entry for May 03, 2007 Mista - shashish !!

Mista- shashish miam tshitshiue innu itatustshepan , utapepan kie natauipan Meshapush. !!