Thursday, March 6, 2008

Reindeer Population on the Wane in Saami Norway


This post is by no means meant to portray pornography but is rather a simple visual , explanatory reference to Mother Nature's great design with regards to Dasher , Dancer , Prancer and Vixen's way of propagating the species. Most of you already know that I worked for a number of years among the Saami ( Laplanders ) of Northern Finland... adjacent territory to Saami Norway. Last week a friend of mine sent me an article entitled " Reinsdyr i brunst " or " Reindeer in Heat " wherein the Saami bemoan the steady decrease in their reindeer population. It is my firm belief that the above picture explains the whys and wherefores without proposing the solutions. For your information..... the short - horned ones are the females whereas the tall - antlered ones are the bucks !


  1. What we call "gays" exists in the animal kingdom and no matter what the fundamentalist religious leaders around the world may claim, proclaim or attempt to dictate it's nature, baby. Just nature.

    Maybe these deer guys can adopt from China and Russia like so many Americans have been doing? **LOL**

  2. ok I made a comment here right before xchips and now it's not here or that picture above got me so frazzled I made the comment some where else. Hmmm.....?
    Now that I have had a second look - I feel sorry for the female in the background looking on. Bet that doesn't make her feel too good!

  3. ROTFLMAO over where your previous comments on this blog may have gone. They'll never got over it!! *LOL*

    Sorry for the female??? I don't know about that. To me it looks like she's thinking, "Better him than me." **LOL*

    ps i am being SO evil tonight. (c;

  4. Thats what she gets for saying she had a headache!

  5. How true! And she is probably best friends with the two of them.

  6. President Ahmadinejad has publicly sworn that no such similar problem exists within the camel population of Iran !

  7. Not between the camels........anyway!

  8. ITs broke back mountain syndrome.. manage a trois...
