Monday, January 28, 2008

The Mad Hatter !!

I have more than a few hang ups and collecting hats is one of them....... fun though !! In fact , in early life one of my " reasonably acceptable " nicknames was " Cappy ". These trophies are  hanging from pegs on the walls throughout  the house.... mostly  mine , some oldies that belonged to my Mom. Each hat is blogworthy...... has a story of its own worth telling. In above pic I am wearng my Breton merchant seaman's cap , offered to me by  Skoazell Vreizh  or l Équipe de Sauvetage en Pleine Mer de la Bretagne  ( Brittany Sea Rescue ) when they made me an honourary member in 1994.I spent the better  part of  the last four years of my active career working on the language and culture of the Breton people in Western France........ another Celtic tongue struggling for survival , etc

P.S. I think that the American government should oblige all " illegal aliens " from south of its border to wear mariachi sombreros  ( photo in top lefthand corner ) when out in public so as to make themselves easily identifiable to Homeland Security !  ( No hate mail , please... just kiddin g ! )


  1. Wow what a collection you got! You should pose for us in all them hats, or at least a few of them! Is that blue, yellow, red and green hat a "sami hat"? It looks like one to me but I can be wrong... Can almost say you are a "hattifnatti" *giggles* Do not ask what I mean with that LOL, ask Rebecka! =oP

    We got Hattifnattis in the "story world" but I am just trying to make a (bad) joke about you are crazy about hats!

    Thanks for sharing your hat collection =o) KRAMAR

  2. You have a nice collection. How fun! Especially when they all have a story & are not just something you bought.

  3. Thank you for your kind comments , Mona and Julie Ann... and I think... along with Fluff.. that your " hattifnatti " is the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland maye ???? Hugs to both of you.

  4. I love hats but for whatever reason I tend to look like an (even more) idiot in hats. At least the hats I really like. I have to wear a hat like forever til if forms itself to my head and face. Maybe I should start wearing hats around the house til they're ready for the public? ++LOL++

    Excellent collection by the way! (c;

  5. Before I read your last paragraph I was going to say "grab your sombrero and come on down".
    Now I will just say I like your seamans hat!
    Great collection by the way. That Pheaseant feathery one is very unique but I have always been partial to Panama hats.

  6. I could easily picture you , Jim... sporting a beanie with matador mouse ears ... armed with red cape and holding a glass of fine Barcelona rojo !! .... in an ad for gourmet dining ! Maybe breakig in a hat is something like breaking in a baseball glove. Take care now...

  7. Cindy Anne... you would be the one to wear the feathey hat..... a real Maggie Muffin hat !! There was a time when I was teaching that I would choose any hat off the wall upon leaving the house and give my three-hour course with it on my head ... it usually got a few chuckles ! I am so glad that I have now seen the error in my evil ways and have consequently remedied the situaton !!
