Sunday, January 6, 2008

Entry for January 06, 2008 Bring Me Your Weak And Oppressed !!

Mumblings , grumblings , rampant discontent
Promises , promises ...embedded in cement
Slogans , banners and whoopla ad nauseam
Backbiting , backstabbing and backgammon for power
Opponents hanged , drawn and quartered
God against Allah and Old Nick
Senior knights in shiny pantsuits
Upstart knights in glinting ebony
Fires of democracy burning bright
Fed and stoked by the Almighty Buck
Corporate America licking its chops
Beholding the new brood of lackeys to corrupt
Mugwumps and media grooming ...yeah promoting
The stallions and fillies of their choice
From the log cabin to the White House
Tear down the log cabin for firewood
To heat the weak and poor
The white houses need new furnishings and carpets
And life goes on
So the powerful prevail
An the weak crawl back into oblivion whence they came
Until such time as they're needed once more.
And the American Dream comes full 360 once again !

P.S. The pic is of the 13th century mosaic masterpiece by Coppo di Marcovaldo on the vaulted dome of the Baptistry of the Duomo in Florence , Italy..... Judgement Day !!

1 comment:

  1. I've read that so many artist in years gone by painted religious themes not because of their faith but because that's the only time they could get away with painting nudes. **LOL**
