Saturday, January 26, 2008

Celebrate Geezer Day ! Bill's 69 Today !!

"How do I love thee ? Let me count the ways". ....... immortal first line of the XLIIIrd Sonnet to the Portuguese .....words uttered by Elizabeth Barret Browning to her poet husband , Robert Browning. Any semantic parallels drawn between the above and what follows is purely in the mind of the beholder......... although I would surmise that some degree of healthy love is present in all solid friendships !!

AH , friendship ! Friendship is of long standing , durable , unfailing..... like my parents' old Westinghouse fridgidaire , purchased in 1952 , the year I met Bill in Brockville , Ontario .... the only one they ever had..... and still purrng along just fine down in my basement where I have converted it into a master freezer.

Ah , friendship ! Friendship is sharing with the special other , being faithful and truthful in one's promises to that special other , etc......... like the time I shared my trusty sander by lending it to Bill for a few days....... he promised to bring it back and he did !! ...... ten years later !!

Ah , friendship !! Friendship oft requires certain sacrifices by lending a helping hand to buddies....... like the time back in the seminary when I called on you and your tender sweet voice to round out our female quartet for the operetta HMS Pinafore. You honoured my behest by bravely donning  the hoop skirt and babutchka ..... amid the cheers , whistles , jeers and applause..... and stood right there beside me on stage with Berny Lunney and Jim Mooney on my right. Some might call it "guts "... I call it friendship !!

Ah , friendsdhip !!  Friendship is jocular , jovial ........ generous , etc......... like back in October 1968 when I held Kevin's christening during the Liquor Store strike in Quebec.... not a drop being  sold anywhere in the province.....and my dear , sweet old Dad drove up from neighbouring New Brunswick with a carful of booze....... and you volunteed to play barman for the occasion. The picture above catches you and Dad being very  "jocular-jovial" and just thinking how OLD we both thought he was back then ..... he was 69 and you were 29 !! Happy 69th birthday , buddy !!

So , my dear readers and friends , should you be holding a yard , lawn or garage sale tomorrow the 27th of January..... and some old codger who looks a lot like Morty Seinfeld  shuffles up to your table and offers you $ 7  for the used microwave you've marked up  $10 ...... pat him kindly and gently on the head and let him have it for $ 8....... adding , " That's for Bill.... it's his birthday !! He's 69 today ! "

P.S. Bill and wife , Ann , are presently hibernating in Florida !.......and he stalks this site regularly so , if you have time , write a big Happy Birthday , Bill ...... as you pass by . !






  1. What a wonderful tribute. I bet he could tell some great stories about YOU! LOL

  2. How wonderful to have such a friend. I can only dream. It is so special. Hope his day is special.


    Hope you'll have a wonderful day...

  4. What a nice post! Happy Birthday Bill! May you get a wonderful day!

  5. Happy Birthday to your friend..did the sander still work when he returned it, and that fridge is 1 yr older than me...and it appears to be in about the same condition as me Great tribute to a true friend, who is only person in the world that would put on a hoop skirt period!

  6. Thank you all for your best wishes... Bill will be visiting this page often today and since he is signed up.... he might even write some words of wisdom near the end of the day... and Dixxe... back in Shakespearean days little boys with high voices were often called upon toplay female roles...

  7. Happy Birthday, Bill. Don't slow down I'm rapidly gaining on you and we may collide. (c;

  8. What Lonesome Polecat didn't include was the fact that when we did our "Three Little Maids" routine,we added our version of the Radio City rockettes to the end of the tune........the hoop skirts went up and our audience was treated to army boots. big heavy hocky socks and very hairy legs !!
    We had them rolling in the aisles.

    But he does write nice things about a buddy, doesn't he...

    Many thanks to all of you who sent along birthday wishes.....I will strive to shoot a 69 in Golf tomorrow ......chances are I will more than likely reverse the numbers a little and end up with a 96 !!

