Monday, January 11, 2010

The Prodigal Son


Today's writ shall be short and sweet...... no apology for past misdemeanours , no excuses for not sending out postcards during my recent trip to Pitcairn Island , no recruiting vendors for slap - chop kitchen marvel , no open-ended invitations hounding friends to come wander the Fundy Trail with us this coming Summer........ no , none of the foregoing ..... simply a statement of intention to blog more often ........ keeping them as interesting as I can ... sprinkled with a few chuckles.... I went over to Facebook for a while and am coming away amazed that so many people seem to be doing so much while understanding and doing so little........ and nobody has yet discovered how it really works !! I must admit though that it is a great place to find old friends you might have lost touch with. Old acquaintances from France  , Haiti , Ecuador , Mexico , Italy and Madagascar dropped in on me out of the blue.... former students rained down abuse upon me.. just kidding !!I'm back , baby ... I'm back !


  1. I look forward to your posts. I have missed them. Welcome back!!

    I like FB. Lots of school friends there and friends from all around the world. And I don't have write a lot. If I have a time crunch, that is a plus.


  2. Right on , JUlie-Ann... I guess a guy like myself is not at home in Faceook because one does not have time to develop a theme ... or even say much at all ..... definitely good for what you are using it for... I suffered from not bein g able to modify or correct what I had written sometimes without deleting and writing the whole shebang all over again... thanks for kind words of welcome... hugs !

  3. Welcome back home! It's been quiet without you. I feel the same way about FB. I did meet people I hadn't heard from in ages and that was neat. The rest........not so much.

  4. Yeah, what's with the pokes, farm animals and vampires over there? Like you, I gratefully caught up with an old friend, but the rest is a bit, well, shallow for me.

    I love that you have no apologies. None were/are ever needed...just glad to see my friend keep me in the loop again!

  5. There seem to be far too many intrusions on other services.

    Welcome back. (c;

  6. What's the "boss" doing? Blessing the water or planning to walk on it?? **LOL**

  7. Cindy... can't remember why John Travolta and gang welcomed Kotter back... too long ago now..... but it feels good so let's start all over again... LOL

  8. Ah ma belle Céleste.... ça me rechauffe le coeur de te voir encore active ici !! Yes , over in FB they tried to make a " made man " out of me in Mafia Club... a full-fledged farmer in fFarmville ... a marine biologist in Aquarium , etc but I chose not to be cloned.... et me voilà de retour ici parmi vous autres !! Hugs to you and Randy

  9. Thanks , Jim.... and laughingly speaking .....were I to venture back to the very same spot right now I could easily walk across to the other side as the whole shebang is frozen over..... about 16 inches of thick ice by now. People are even driving pick up trucks across.

  10. I MISSED YOU...Oh you crack me up!!! I loved that show!

  11. FB still has it's place as a place to find old friends...a listing is essential, imho. Seriously, I tried to do the one-liner entries, but failed miserably. I'm not a one-liner kinda gal nor do I want to collect any animated farm animals along my journey in a social networking environment.

    MySpace has been crucial for keeping up with the creative side of my past...nothing more. Still, crucial, but it's not where I communicate and interact.

    Twitter...hmmm, well I'm on there too. As a business person I can see how this would be valuable to many venues. I cross-posted a couple cross posts/test entries to learn that it is not for social networking, but for an entirely different and evolving concept. Just tonight I was able to read the 'tweets' (via Google News feed) about the earthquake in Haiti. Fascinating and valuable, really. As my business grows (God willing), I will use this more.

    Instant Messaging, or Meebo is like the damned phone if you get someone on it who wants to chat...which is the point, I guess. I'm not a small talker kinda gal either, so this leaves me frustrated: I'd like to use it more but I'm afraid of the chatterers!!! Pisses me off that I have to disable it in order to be invisible online too!!! Grrrr.

    Multiply is a good place. I will never put the stake and trust I had as a blogger at 360, into what goes on here though because that was a bad burn. If you put your heart out there in your globbing like I did, it was a slap in the face. So many great expressions by so many people in our time there and it was treated as trash. Yahoo just didn't get it.

    Anyway, I had to share with you and Becc's my take on all this these days. I can tell you are both going through a reassessment of sorts and I felt my input couldn't hurt :)

    Bienvenue en Arrière!

  12. Wow .. and thank you so much for the solid input and analysis of those many gadgets used nowadays for social networking. You and Fluff are in a category apart .... you ladies understand so well the innermost workngs of twitter , twatter and twap while I simply tag along and observe... and ask help when I'm stumped. I guess I'll always be somewhat of a techno-twinkie. I met Fluff in an Irish chat room in 1998 where we became good friends.... but then moved to MSN Messenger for more intimacy in 2001 when our friendship blossomed into the steamy , torrid love affair it has become today.
    I'm a bit of a pragmatist and will try many possibilities until I find the one that responds best to my demands.... then I adopt it flat out ! I wish to communicate with my fellow planetarians ... to be able to develop an idea .... not limited to 300 characters.... and to correct what I write without torpedoing the whole shebang and starting all over again ! I too put my trust in the Yahoo sham.... but for now , however , I'll give Multiply the benefit of the doubt. Merci encore une fois , ma belle Céleste , pour tes bons conseils...... et oui , nous pourrions nous rencontrer l'an prochain ... 2011... à Portsmouth , dans le New Hampshire ... sur le bord de la mer. Bisous !

  13. Not really , Barb .... but I did go McCormick's Island lately. The most damning thing on my part is that I didn't send back any postcards from there either !! Thanks for dropping by ... and I am sorry for misleading you as I thought it was self-evident I was overdoing the whole shebang !

  14. so there was NO Mutiny on the Bounty?... it's cool..

  15. Barb,,,, there WAS mutiny on the Bounty.... but I wasn't there !!

  16. Neat photo of you three. Is that some kind of camea remote the "boss" has in her hand?

  17. Thanks , Jim... my son , Kevin , spent a few days with us at Christmas... no , she discovered that her new laptop had a camera in it !! So we tried it out !!

  18. Mea culpa , Jim ! My mistake... Fluff just told me it was taken with her big camera on a tripod... she was holding clicker device... you were right !!

  19. Sneaky lady. Smart and lovely but sneaky! **LOL**
