Monday, January 18, 2010

Nothing But the Very Best For McDuff !!









When I was a lad we had toy boats propelled by elastics twisted around a stick that couldn't go one full length of the tub  .... wind up toy cars that barely made it halfway across the kitchen floor. Then along came friction toys and hotwheels when my two sons were young. But nowadays we have the mother lode of all toys with the remote controlled vehicles such as the truck in above pic which I bought for my youngest son , McDuff. I must add that he is having a ball with his new toy... it follows him down corridors and even into the bathroom to his great surprise... and can even bug him lovingly whe he is resting on his carpet or nudge him gently while he is sleeping under the dresser , etc He is simply overjoyed with his new contraption.


  1. How fun!! Amazing what a cat or dog will play with. Jo played with a plastic dish I had supper in. It was disposable and she played for a long time with it. How good of you to treat your youngest son!

    Thanks for jogging my memory. I totally forgot the bathtub toys that one wound up. They were not perfect but we sure played with them!!

  2. McDuff is overjoyed with his new toy? LOL I think you are too! I use to put weird things on my rod and reel and play with my cat in the living room. You are going high tech with McDuff.
    Nice to see you both having fun.

  3. I think it's really you who is overjoyed with this new cat torturing device.

  4. Cat-torturing device ? Are you going to report me to the S.P.C.A . , Barb ?

  5. Glad I could help you recall fun in the bathtub , Julie Ann... we didn't have running water and a tub but we washed in a half hogshead ..... not much diameter for sailing boats !! The truth is that we are both having fun with the toy.

  6. Cindy Anne... thanks for the input... I have my three rods here beside me.... getting ready to go icefishing for smelt... maybe I'll give a few casting or jigging lessons to McDuff.. LOL And please do not judge my good intentions !!

  7. Cat-torturing device ? Are you going to report me to the S.P.C.A. Barb ?

  8. Actually, the cat will get you back... BEWARE!!

  9. My McDuff's no whimp , Barb... he's a meow and a purr above most cats !!

  10. It takes a lot more than 12 of those wee fishees to make a good dozen.

    My dad used to eat smelt. I would even, on occasion, have a few until one Friday night, he fried some up and told me that was my dinner and I was not leaving the table till I had a neat pile of bones to show for all my chewing. I suppose, in retrospect, he was just trying to get me to eat something. I was a very skinny child..

  11. I think both my cats would freak out....but then again you never know. (c;

  12. LOL how cute!

    I am sure you are having some fun too Gerry??

  13. To be honest , Jim.. McDuff is a bit mistrustful of the thing but I am training him to see it as harmless.... or I think I am !!!_____????? LOL

  14. To be honest , Mona.. I am having more fun when the cat's asleep and Fluff is out... nobody to see me being a child again !!

  15. Right , Barb... it takes about twenty or so to make a good meal... and as for the bones..... you simply grab either end of the backbone and strip it all the way down or up ... in one fell swoop... et voilà fishie is ready... and you always eat smelt with your fingers plopping them into the mouth like Sylvester the cat .... dropping them from above with mouth wide open and head slightly leaning backwards on nape of neck

  16. Once has a toy submarine which had a cap you removed and put something like baking soda in the space then replaced the cap which had a hole in it. The bakins soda interacting with the water was supposed to create bubbles and make the sub move through the water. It might have worked well in a tub of DW Vinegar but wasn't very impressive in just plain old water. (c;

  17. I never had one of those. Dang. That would have been fun!!!

  18. Like me and the truck , Julie Ann.. it's never too late !! and , Jim , with today's kids it might be gun powder they pour down the hatch ... then place the submarine in a big vat of high octane .... light the mesh and watch the sucker move !!
