Friday, April 18, 2008

The Annual Aquatic Challenge !








La Rivière Jaune.... Yellow River.... somewhat akin to its Ohio twin , Doan Creek...... is rising quickly now after a number of very hot days. The Big Thaw is in full swing and I shall probably spend the night making the rounds of the five pumps you see installed at strategic places in the basement and likewise at the back entrance. So this will be an ongoing blog until the creek falls back into its normal bed . Last year the Big Night .... Overnight Vigil..... took place on the night of April 21st..... and the year before that .... 2006..... on April 13th. In fact , in 2006 I opened the pool , cut a hole in the ice and went in for a quick dip....... with picture as proof ! Back later..

1:20 in the morning and all is well ..... river still withinn its banks , although near the rim . No sign of water welling up in the sump holes downstairs. Just saw a couple of ice floes go speeding by with help from super light. This means that some ice is breaking loose from falls 400 yards upstream. . 

3 am and all is still well..... it'll be far worse when the 25 lakes back in the hinterland break up since all discharge into the Yellow River an use it to drain away  the superabundance of water and ice during the Big Melt. It looks like a long night..... Fluff 's getting her beauty rest while McDuff and I watch over the pumps and the night-prowlers... raccoons , skunks , stray cats , etc

5 am bells are sounding and srill no water in the basement,,,,,,,,,,,nor even a drop in the sump holes where the pumps are set up. So far , so good !! Daylight is not far off so I shall soon get a better idea of how the whole stiuation outside is shaping up. 


  1. I remember that dip in the pool and your time in the basement last year. Hope it turns out ok this year and you get some sleep.
    Is this a very common thing to do around there in your neighborhood?

  2. Hey there , Cindy Anne.... yes , it is common for those who live along the river ..... once a year ...... maybe tonight or tomorrow. Just came back from outside with super spotlight but cannot get handy as the snow is still a yard deep and I don"t feel like dragging one leg after the other to river"s edge. However . from the sundeck it seems to be somewhat slowed down in rising... probably will spill over during the night. Thanks for the moral support... I handled this situation much more easily when I was younger.... lol..... hugs !

  3. I remember your dip. Or of at least hearing of it. Hope the pumps keep up. Take care. hugs!!

  4. Thanks for the good wishes , Julie - Ann.... all I can hope for now is that we have no power outage !! LOL... what good are pumps with no juice !! Hugs !

  5. Well it's the am now. Is everything going ok?

  6. WOW another year has passed and the GOD Lord is willing and the Creeks are Rising...I hope it goes smoothly downstream as Nature intended it to and you escape without harm.

  7. Our heartfelt thanks to all you three bonny lasses ..... not "balmy "lasses ......for your kind words of encouragement and prayers. The river peaked .... almost at its rim........ sometime around 6:15 am and has been dropping off ..... receding.... a wee bit ever since so I got a few hours of shuteye. However , this is but a lull in the storm as there remains oodles of snow still to melt and the ice from the lakes breaking up back in the hinterland. Hugs to you all.

  8. Gee man, you sure do know how to have a good time! (c;

    Seriously, I hope the river forgets you and your home are there and goes bother somebody else.

  9. Oh you must have had a very long night!! I am glad that it is going ok so far! Hopefully it won't be so bad! It doesn't hurt to wish and hope! =o) I assume you have been sleeping today and McDuff and Reb have been keeping an eye on the flood!

    Stay safe! KRAM

  10. Ready to share my "good times " with my frieds , Jim..... and I could alway use another pair of vigilant eyes and a steady hand to man the pumps so come on up and sit a spell !! Thanks for the positive thoughts !

  11. I did get a wee bit of sleep , Mona but have been back on the job since 10 this morning ... and of course , Fluf and McDuff kept a watchful eye on the situation. Hoping that you and Timmy are enjoying a floodless and fruitful weekend. Hugs !
