Thursday, April 24, 2008

Flood Update 2008 !!








After playing cat ad mouse with us for four days , la Rivière Jaune showed its true Spring colours yesterday evening after supper...... setting all three pumps in motion....... spewing water from the sump shafts back outside where it belonged. I stayed up all night to watch over the pumps ....... ready to troubleshoot any snags that might occur....... replace burnt out motor by another new one , make sure floaters don't get tangled , adding a second pump to shaft should inflow become too much for one pump , etc Anyways I made it through the night .... kept the water out of the house.... and shall sleep like a hibernating bear tonight. The river settled back into its arroyo - like bed around one oçlock this afternoon ..... still high though.... and the pumps are now silent, Buíochas le Dia !

This flooding business could be getting a bit hackneyed .... even boring for some readers ...... so I do not expect you to make any comments. This is mainly for my own logbook info in general..... as next year I will have an " aide mémoire " when dealing with next year's aquatic challenge. Thank you for your patience.

P.S. Pics taken this morning of the falls , cascades some 400 meters upstream from our home........ the current picks up speed here and literally flies by some 10 meters from our house. Great fun !!


  1. So far so good. I am glad for you!! Love the photos!!! Sleep tight! hugs to you!!!

  2. Thank you , Julie -Ann.... I'll surely buzzsaw 4 or 5 cords of wood in be tonight !! lol Fluff took those photos of the Falls / Cascades Hugs

  3. This is not boring at all! I find it interesting to read and follow. Glad that you are ok.

    Very nice pictures of them falls! I LOVE waterfalls =o) Something magic about them, can't explain.

    Wish you and your lady a wonderful Friday! KRAM

  4. Oh my ..... that sounds exhausting! I wish you the best of luck with all of your "water ventures"!



  5. Im sure its very scary...can you sandbag? or is that now an option? The water is in SC we have flooding sometimes along the coast most homes here have no basements and the ones near the coast are built up on high foundations..but thats no match for a

  6. I am just thinking ' when will doing this little river dance become too hackneyed for you? ' We are here all snug and safe in homes well away from a flood plain watching you and Webby deal with this yearly stressor. Maybe I am wrong, do you on some level enjoy the adrenalin rush required to maintain that wet vigil? I am glad it is all over for this year. Is there any permanent solution (short of death) that will allow some relief from this water ritual?

  7. Please keep us informed otherwise I'll fear the worst.


  8. Hej Mona.... thank you for the kind words and understanding.... and yes , waterfalls have a certain charm and majesty about them..... and Fluff has all the credit for taking such vivid pictures. Hugs to you and Timmy.

  9. Hi Raenie..... thank you for the good wishes and yes , ... very tiring but things are looking much better today. Hope you are enjoying Spring down your way..... we may be heading to Portsmouth , NH sometime soon... HUgs !

  10. Dear Barb , thank you so much for the empathy.... and all round kind words.... maybe you are right about feeling the adrenaline .... and the yearly fun in waterland.... It would cost a fortune to build a wall along my property and then I would have to get a mile - long paper document called a permit to do so ... so I guess I'll simply go on renewing the adrenaline rush once a year in the Spring. HUgs to you and your family.

  11. I'll follow your advice , Jim.... and thanks for the kind words and concern. I truly appreciate both !

  12. I am happy the worst is over for you and I do enjoy those pictures.
    Yes, I am back because I have to know what is going on in interesting peoples lives.
