Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eternity just one heartbeat away , infinity much farther !!


Caught your undivided attention with the title now , didn't I ? And no , Cindy Anne , I'm not heading for the nearest bridge to jump off....... in spite of some of the appealing ones in Mona's recent DARE. Au contraire , mes ami(e)s , I am feeling just fine.... just a couple of slipped disks and a double hernia shy of being in perfect physical shape. Maybe the title has something to do with the contents of a few of the books hanging out of late on my desktop along with the usual oddball grammars and dictionaries....... Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time "and "The Universe in a Nutshell ".......Brian Clegg's "A Brief History of Infinity " and The Last Billion Years : A Geological History of the Maritime Provinces of Canada "........ and then again it might be because I had breakfast this morning with  nine old buddies from my seminary days most of whom I hadn't seen in the last forty to fifty years !!!

It was a wonderful reunion and as we pulled away from the table at the end I could hear the loud creaking of bones. However , we made it through the whole meal without calling in the paramedics so we all came away happy ..... promising to get together once more on August 22nd , 2059.......... and I guess I should have a clearer and more precise appreciation of what eternity is all about by then. 


  1. If I should find myself in the neighborhood for your next get-together may I stop in and say "Hello"? (c;

  2. Anyone who has driven around the horn of Northern Michigan across to Wisconsin and back to Ohio has my utmost respect , Jim... and yes , you can consider yourself invited .... although you might have to flash some ID at the door as we plan to hold the next one at the local "fun club ".....

  3. Let us hope the "Pole Dancers" aren't, by then, too feeble to climb their poles. (c;

  4. Should that happen , Jim , we 'll call upon Kevin James ( King of Queens ) to show the entertainers how it should be done !! Remember that episode ?.... and if Kevin can't make it then maybe ole " pole"cat himself can take a shot at it !!

  5. Great photo!! And I love your opening quote. Glad you and your friends had a good reunion. hugs!

  6. That's no quote , Julie - Ann...... I made it up from my own reflexions when I sat down here after supper but I am certainly pleased you like it.. Should I use it again sometime in the future then I guess I can quote myself ! Thanks for reading and commenting. HUgs back to you .....

  7. Never saw King of Queens. Must have been on up against something else I wanted to watch.

  8. There's those good looking legs once more! Fantastic photo!
    I bet that was a great reunion you had.
    I remember that episode with Kevin James. Hilarious! They do say it is good exercise.
    Did you all get to see the rough seas today?

  9. Legs to die for , Cindy Anne.... or is that legs to kill for ? lol Yes , we rehashed many an event in our common past.... and caught up a bit as to what each one has been doing for the last 40 to 50 years. .... some were business tycoons , a few made it through the priesthood , then defrocked and married , a few became professors , a couple major scoundrels , etc... as for Bill's high seas... I drove Fluff to quite a few strategic places for her to practice her favourite art of photography... she got some boomers. Hugs and keep in touch....

  10. Great picture at the top!! *waves back at you* lol

    And another great shot of you and all your friends! Wow, that must have been such a fun and interesting meeting! You all must have a lot to talk about?

    You take care of yourself and your Swedish lady! She is becoming a pro-photographer! =o)


  11. Thank you for stopping by , dear Mona..... and adding your cheerful comment. I must ask pardon for being rather remiss of late by not visiting and commenting on others' blogs . However , "kvinna " has been keeping me abreast of what is taking place .... so please do not think yourself "selfish " because you feel somewhat relieved and happy that Timmy is on his way back to school. The recent add on TV here this last week shows a happy father joyously jumping up and down while shouting all the while ... "The kids are going back to school !!" Only normal to feel that way..... God only knows that I did too back when my boys were young and noisy !! HUgs to you and the lad....

  12. I could only identify Bill Fitz, Frank Fitz and Jim Grannon (by his height).......please help on the others
