Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Midsummer Chirp !!


In this computerized world we live in nowadays I neither twitter nor tweet. However , I DO chirp  !! In fact , when but a mere lad my Nanna would always say that my bummy little friends were cheeky ( bold /.impolite ) while I was simply chirpy. So there you go.

Well , we ' ve been here over seven months now and , contrary to popular opinion back in Quebec , I do not regret moving back to a home town I left almost 60 years ago in search of fame and glory ( huge LOL ). I only regret not doing it about ten years ago when I retired from the university. Saint John is a truly remarkable place to live and loving the sea as I do I can recharge my batteries at will 24/ 7 at close range. What a tremendous boon !!....and free too !! No covercharge !!

Healthwise all is as well as I could hope for , I guess ....except for the fact that I exposed my right shinbone to the world by way of a gaping hole left by a run - in with a trailer hitch in the dark. Nurse Fluff has changed dressings faithfully over the last two months so this gash will soon be history. In the meantime , however , I have sprung myself a double hernia .... so along with the other two already in place it's getting rather crowded  "down there ". Amen !

The girls / ladies who work as cashiers at supermarkets or as waitresses in restos always address their customers as honey , dear , sweetie , etc . Because of my age I usually get "dearie " ! I told Fluff I don't mind it and even find it cute...... however , should they start patting my gently on the head while saying it ... then I'll really blow my top !

I sincerely hope that you are all in good health and enjoying this wonderful Summer weather we are all experiencing. I hear that Mona has even launched herself into a new career .... following in the footsteps of Susan Boyle. Go for it , Mona .... reach for the stars ! Grab me one too while you're at it ! Hugs to all and y'all !! 


  1. I don't twitter, tweet or chirp but sometimes I wheeze. (c;

    Glad to hear you're enjoying your old home town. I could never return to mine. They all speak Spanish now and I just wouldn't fit. **LOL**

    Don't think I've been addressed by any of those salutations but just in case maybe I should come up with a couple of come backs. (c;

    I fell sometime back and scratched up one arm, one elbow, two knees and some minor scratches on by chest. Mostly healed now so it must be time for me to do something stupid again. *lol*

    I do from time to time get blood blisters on my inner thigh so I have to remember and use my "Body Glide". It looks like a deodorant stick but it's to apply to body parts that get lots of potential chafing like inner thighs, toes, sides of feet and maybe even the heel of the foot. It seems to help prevent irritation.

  2. I wheeze and sputter a bit too , Jim , especially going up hills ! lol I have buried a couple of old acquaintances since I got back here and two more are lined up to go any day now so I really can't complain too much I guess.
    Glad your bad fall is leaving no scars , Jim.I notice here on the rocky coastline where I once was sure-footed.... like a mountain goat.... is no longer the case due to slower reflexes. We simply have to be extra careful .... and prudent !!
    Sounds like you've got yourself a real Dogpatch remedy there .... maybe I should get myself some of that elixir.

  3. I could hardly believe it when I saw your had a post. I had about given up.
    So glad you are happy by the sea. There is something so tranquil being by the water. Have never quite figured it out. I am happy for you.

    Hope your injuries get healed up soon. You must be up to all that exploring with Fluff.

    When people call me honey or sweetie I don't like it and if they ever call me "dearie" they are going to get some choice words from me. I can handle "babe" if that's what they want to call me. lol

    Wonderful to hear from you!!

  4. Glad to hear from you. And hope your physical bumps and dents heal! Take care! hugs!

  5. Hey there , Cindy Anne... well yes , I even fooled myself... as I was lulled asleep by the lapping of the wavelets on the shore of late .... not too much into blogging I mean . However , I often think of you down there by the sea and how much you seem to enjoy its presence and strength in your own life. I think we are quite alike ... even kindred spirits in that regard..

    If they call you "Babe " maybe I can still hope for "Hunk " at my age ! Hugs to you and I truly hope you are having a great Summer.

  6. Thank you , Julie Ann... time is a great healer. HUgs.

  7. Boy is this update on y'all a joy to read!

    There is something about the ocean that keeps drawing me back home...and closer to the river valley where I was spawned. Maybe this is totally natural, like with the Pacific Salmon? Who knows...I'm experiencing the same joy as you even just being closer to home.

    Any and all nicknames given should be welcomed because they are expressions of their comfort around you and their endearment of you. I've known many people who think endearments are condescending and most of them have been rather bitter grapes...not chirpy at all :)

    Mend quickly and you mind Dr. Fluff!!!

  8. I don't tweet all that much but sometimes I hiss. Be thankful you haven't got the swine flu, as you would then need some oinkment [sorry, stole that from my friend Heather in Toronto] :o)

    All those terms of endearment: I totally LOVE them!!! I never feel that they're condecending, but this is a cultural thing too ... maybe because I'm Swedish, where this would be unthinkable ... I appreciate this custom so much more. The very first month we lived here, a bus driver addressed me «hun» and I thought that was SO CUTE!


  9. I note that a few of your friends have missed your blogs.....take it as a sign, old buddy....AND WRITE MORE OFTEN.....I don't know who constitutes "...popular opinion in Quebec...." but whoever they are, they probably haven't talked to you or FLUFF in seven months.......continue to enjoy and we will see you in August

    the peripatetic ones

  10. Ah ma belle Céleste..... quel grand plaisir de te lire de nouveau !! I do hope that you and Randy are doing well in your new settings as well ...and yes , living once again smack in the middle of where I grew up ... having my coffee in the morning and being able to gaze upriver from the sea with the old homestead in view is a real heartpumper !!
    As for the terms of endearment I honestly relish them ....... better being called "dearie "I guess then "y 'old fart !"And yes , ma chère Céleste , I shall be very attentive to Nurse Fluff's advice . Hugs to you.

  11. oui, rien n'est identique eh

    Of primary importance is the existence of this avenue for good friends and for self-expression, is utilized most when it is valuable to our individual journeys!

    Dip a clam in extra butter for me!!!

  12. I forgot that I have a Twitter account lol =o/

    Am so sorry to hear that you have not been well, and really hope you'll be all well soon!

    I wish I were living that close to the sea myself... been many times I wish I could go there and just watch out over the waters and be in my own world...

    Aww thank you for the kind words my friend, but I am FAR from being a new Susan D!! She has an AMAZING voice!! I am just a... "shower singer" that now dare to sing a little for my friends lol. I would die to sing in front of an audience!!! Seriously lol

    I get very annoyed if someone that do not really know me call me honey, sweetie or dear...

    Ha en fin dag KRAM

  13. Coming this Friday!! Monchri will record her song in her shower!!

    If that don't make YouTube then nothing will. (c;

  14. Hey there , Sweetie.... yes , I am quite aware that you have a big soft spot for "cute "wee terms of endearment. I still have here in my desk drawer the "snookums "pen you sent me from Sweden. Hugs after night prayers ! lol

  15. Ave , Oh Great Peripatetic One ..... Thank you so much for encouraging free expression .... you are a true patron of the arts !! Maybe the expression "popular opinion " is somewhat begging the question a bit.... however , a certain number of those to whom I have spoken over the last seven months over the phone keep asking me whether I am still glad I pulled up stakes back in Lac - Beauport..... and keep asking the same thing over and over with insistance .... no big deal though as I'm here to stay !! We are really looking forward to our getting together later on this Summer. Hugs all around to you all ..... that goes for your half - a$$ed bro too !!

  16. Hey Mona..... well , all great singers start singing in the shower so maybe you could stand under the shower all dressed ( see Jim's comment ) and make a video of you singing " Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain ". Thank you for the kind words of encouragement and big hugs to you and the lad.
