Thursday, August 27, 2009

$300 Worth of Knowledge For 12 Bucks !!


A few weeks back I was having one of those private moments with myself ...... thinking , of course.... and I made up my mind that between then and the hearse I would read some major work on the history of civilization...... mainly to freshen up what I supposedly already knew but lie dormant in my memory and secondly give me an overall view of what had taken place on the world scene over the last " few " thousand years as seen by one author..... and , in return , on my part have material to chew on and criticize or agree with.   

Well , a couple of days ago Fluff and I browsed our way through the mountains of books at the Big Brothers / Big Sisters Annual Book Fair where I hit the proverbial jackpot. I bought 4 of Will Durant's "The Story of Civilization " , thick tomes ( 800 to1000 pages each volume ) well-annotated with footnotes and cross references galore....... a monumental and scholarly work of great proportions. At a book fair last year in Quebec I had already bought his book "The Reformation " so I was now the proud owner of 5 out of this 10 - volume series.And just yesterday a street vendor sold me my sixth prize copy "The Age of Louis XIV " for two bucks. Still four to go but I'm optimistic........ and in the meantime I have lots to read ...... having already started with the volume " Caesar and Christ "..   


  1. ...and today you even got yourself a little Caesar salad before supper *G*

  2. Right , Fluffkins....and it helped wet my historical whistle !

  3. What heavy reading!! I love to go to book fairs and all kinds of book stores. Makes me feel smart just to walk in . LOL

    So now your winter reading is all lined up. Good for you! Go sit by the beach and read.

  4. One can find some real gems in those "pre-owned" book seller stores.

  5. Not really all that heavy , Cindy Anne.... just finished a section where the Roman people wanted more say in government and better protection from warring tribes to the North towards Florence.... in return the Senate would raise taxes... ring a bell in our modern world ? LOL Love this stuff !!

  6. Society marches on but politicians remain the same. )c;

  7. Right you are , Jim... I have found some rather good reading in the oddest places... and I love the term... "pre-owned "..... we have it here too... but one of the best I ever saw was Pierre's Used Car Lot in Quebec City where he was selling "experienced cars "........

  8. LOL at experienced cars. Maybe I should borrow that phrase.

  9. You are lucky. IF no others turn up, check out They have all sorts of books all at different prices and condition. Might find them cheap there. hugs!
