Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Shrive , Shrove , Shriven....... Like........ Drive , Drove , Driven !!








Foreword : What follows is neither a sermon nor a secret ploy to convert anyone to any religious belief system whatsoever. I have enough problems keeping myself on the straight and narrow without self - righteously browbeating  or cudgelling others into my way of thinking and therefore , along the blissful road to salvation. This is but a simple explanatory footnote to my experience with the "archaic "verb... shrive , shrove , shriven...  in my youth , growing up in a typical Irish Catholic family setting .... neither overly severe and certainly not fanatical !!

Our wee community of Pokiok , some two miles upriver from Saint John , was comprised of roughly speaking.... maybe 40 family units the vast majority of whom were of Protestant denomination.... except for us " Micks " or "Mickies " as we were often referred to back then .... which was usually a "fighting word " when said to our facess ! Some would allude openly to our priests as "the black crows on the hill " ( Saint Peter's Church was built on a hill ) and call the church itself "Mickies' Tavern " because the priest used wine during Mass. However , such scurrilous words were the doings of the malevolent few ! In general we got along fine with all our neighours...... at least as well as any of the others did among themselves in our little world.

Tommy McDonald was my childhood playmate and buddy. Whenever asked , his parents would say they were Protestants but did not belong to any specific church. One day we were playing behind our house when  a humdinger of a thunder and lightning storm broke loose on Pokiok.... so we ran for cover as the torrential rains beat down around us. Once safely inside out of the downpour I noticed my Dad battening down the hatches as he called it.... closing the windows ..... while my Mom and Grandmother were making the rounds of the house .. upstairs and downstairs.... carrying jars of holy water in the left hand and each wielding  palm branches in the right hand .... dipping and sprinkling everything in sight as they scurried around. To me this was normal procedure so I hardly paid any attention to what was going on at all ... whereas Tommy was in pure shock. He told me in later years he thought it might have been some form of witchcraft. All this so as to give you some idea of what kind of setting I grew up in. And now on to the gist of today's blog.  

Roughly one week before Ash Wednesday ( tomorrow ) we began Shrovetide........ a period of intense self-scrutiny followed by confession to a priest so as to begin Lent with a pure soul. So today for Catholics is called Shrove Tuesday , recalling its original meanng . Shrovetide ends theoretically at midnight tonight. As kids growing up we often joked around saying to one  another , "You gonna get shriven today ?" knowing full well that it really meant going to confession..... and not having pancakes for supper !  We put shrive/shrove/shriven in the same basket as other  "old " words such as ye , thou , thine , thy , thou art , thou shallst , he cometh , Whitsun and Whitsuntide , etc...... but we knew them and used them even though "archaic " .... mainly for fun though among ourselves.. 

P.S. In the above picture I have recreated the scenaro for Extreme Unction or Last Rites when administered  at home. This "paraphernalia " or sacred dowry was brought over from Ireland and has been handed down to me along with the old " doomsday box ".

P.S.2 I have been remiss in visiting my friends' blogs of late and shall be making the rounds tonight and tomorrow so please forgive me.    








  1. First of all I would never believe that you would try to convert anyone, you are absolutely not that kind! Secondly it wouldn't work on me! *giggles* I have friends that are Catholics, protestants and Mormons and they all know where I stand and it is nice that we all can respect each other just the way we are! I wish the whole world could be like that....(I am an atheist)

    It's interesting that he thought it was all some witchcraft! Honestly, I have never heard of that either and would have made big eyes as well LOL. Very interesting post, and them photos are nice! =o)

  2. I've heard of Shrive, Shrove, Shriven but don't think I've ever heard an explanation.

    In spite of being brought up as a Catholic (the Roman kind) I always thought "Mick" was a slur to all Irish. Somebody once used the expression "Shanty Irish" in my presence as an insult but they were wasting their time and breath because I didn't know what that meant either. (c;

    I was vaguely aware there were rituals before Ash Wednesday but never paid any attention to them.

    Mona's got the right idea. Avoid it all so you won't have to be bothered with knowing when you've been insulted or not. **LOL**

  3. Hej , Mona... I usually preface my intentions so that they be clear before posting any subject that touches upon religious beliefs , My original plan was to speak about the word "shrove " and its ramifications but I got carried away !! LOL... Thanks for your frankness and kind words. Kramar till Dig och Timmy !!

  4. Hey there , Jim... yes ... the term "Mick " dates back to the fact that there were so many of us Isish getting off the boats with names beginning with "Mc " ..... Shanty Irish was never a threatening word in my surroundings since in Saint John back in the 1930s and 1940s the total population was "Shanty Something ".... almost all living somewhere near the poverty level .... "ghettoized "and impoverished whether Protestant , Catholic or other ! Thanks for coming by and commenting , Jim... take care now !

  5. I really did like your post Gerry! =o) It was interesting, this might sound weird for someone that is an atheist lol but I always been interested in learning about religions and what each and every religion stands for. I always had rather good grades in the subject religion in school.

    I knew what this post were about my friend. I just had to "tease" you a little lol. I really hope I did not offend you in any way cause that was absoluely NOT my intention. Like I said in my other comment. I always respect others for what they believe in! Unfortunately there are some that do not accept me and what I believe in, or not, and there are some that have tried to convert me or even told me I am involved with Satan as I do not want to believe lol. Not on this site "Multiply" but it has happened in y360 that I got emails and messages, when they found out I am an atheist.

    But anyway, this comment is getting too long LOL. Just wanted to make clear that I knew what your post were about, and I did mean it when I said, I know you would never try to convert anyone as you are not that kind of a person. You're a nice man that are openminded and interested in life and people! =oD Timmy and me sends KRAMAR back!

  6. Dear Mona... thank you kindly for that vote of confinence and glad you liked the text and subject matter. Let it be known that my upbringing has taught me to be openminded to all and to be most respectful towards the religious beliefs of others. I have seen those self-righteous , arrogant Pharisees and hyporites roaming the net and I zap myself free of them with one or two ckicks. Once again ... big hugs to you and Timmy !

  7. What a wonderful story. I knew not much of this. I would have loved to see the look on Tommys face & to be able to read his mind!! hugs!

  8. That was a great story......I loved it. I have many friends here that will be going around with the marks of ash on their head.
    As for how the word mick got started I would have never known. Thanks so much for that explantion.
    I am not Catholic but have gone to many Catholic services.
    Your intersting childhood sure made for an interesting life for years to come and I think gave you a very open mind.

  9. Julie - Ann.... Thanks for dropping by and commenting... Tommy and I had many othe such discussions over the years whenever I went home to visit my parents... unfortunately he died on me few years back ! Hugs !

  10. Hey , Cindy Anne....thank you for the kind words.... yes , I can still remember when the priest would make the sign of the cross in ashes on my forehead saying , " Memento , homo , quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris ".. Remember , man , that you are dust and unto dust you shall return ! Said in a solemn voice really impresses a kid ....LOL.... facing up to our own mortality and we have just begun our lives ! Ah ! Those early years !! Great stuff ! Hugs to you and please take care and get well !

  11. Interesting, we can always learn something new. Although an atheist for many years, I have always kept my interest more in the architecture and history of the church and remained open minded (I hope). It is my decision, but my children also decide for theirselves. My husband is Swiss reform church, and my children were christened as such, but no-one in the family really goes to church.

  12. Hi Pat .... Now that was a clear and honest statement of where you stand on the matter and I thank you for making it. We are all governed by some form of civil code of law in our respective countries , etc. ... the so - called law of the land ! However , when it comes to natural or divine law... their existence or interpretations..... I believe it should be left up to the individual to decide for him- / herself accordingly . And I can live comfortably in harmony and respect alongside anyone who shares this attitude with me. I think what bugs us all is when someone tries to shove his / her self-righteous way of thinking down our throats. .... and that's where I draw the line. Whatever or Whoever be responsible for mankind's free will and conscience endowed us all with the great option.... choice ! Amen ! ... Sorry about that .. I get long-winded and carried away. Have a great day over there and I shall read your blog this evening about the multi-lingual mind... not sure about the title.
