Monday, February 4, 2008

I Spy....... With My Google Eye !


In my youth for a young boy to play " I spy .... with my little eye "  was tantamount to being a "sissy " and losing face ..... but now that I have outgrown that childhood phobia.... ah ! what the hell ... here goes ! I spy with my little eye something that begins with " F "..... it is both edible and eatable and gathered in shady , damp spots in early Spring. Growing up in rural Pokiok ... outside Saint John .... it was a common sight to see mothers and older daughters out reaping Mother Nature's bountiful gift during the first two weeks in May. As seen in the picture they are likewise harvested and sold in supermarkets throughout Eastern Canada.

P.S. Please enlarge for better viewing. I even went for a double "F " , Mona !!


  1. Well thank you for joining this little game! And how clever of you to have a double F - so did Reb on hers lol. I have to admit I HAD to cheat and enlarge the pic to read what it was... *hangs my head in shame lol*. I were not sure what it was LOL.

    I have to say also, that is a very pretty tablecloth! =oD

    May you get some sweet dreams in a bit. I just started my Tuesday here! Be safe KRAM

  2. Glad to oblige , Mona... I get a kick out these wee games we play... Fluff and I discuss them and have a few chuckles as we decide which one to post... yes , Fluff just set out for the bedroom with McDuff and I shall soon follow.... hugs to you and Timmy... hoping you hve a superb day !!

  3. Fiddlehead Ferns - never heard of them and something I have never seen in a Swiss supermarket. At least in the German speaking part, but in the French speaking area they might exist. Must ask my neighbour, she comes from Neuchâtel.

  4. Wouldn't have guessed but did see and have them at least once.

  5. I have never seen these anywhere here. Had no idea what your photo was of.

  6. Whew! Never heard of this. You all sure do eat different stuff............LOL
    When I first started reading I thought it was going to be "fungus". ....:=(

  7. I've never had them. But have seen them somewhere, supermarkets, or books. (lol)

    I immediately thought of Dandelion greens, but of course, those don't start with an 'F'... (heeh)

  8. Thank you all for your comments .... We simply clip them in the bud.... in early Spring before they can fan out ...... bring them to a slow boil until crunchy ... and down the hatch with maybe a little butter sprinkled on...

  9. I think that Bear Grylls ate these on an episode of "Man vs. Wild" not too long ago. I was astounded you could eat such a thing. I'd never seen anything like it before, and you can buy them in MI. Strange. Are they any good? How do you prepare them?

  10. I came here via Mona' blog.
    I have fiddleheads ferns in my backyard but I don't eat them. I've never even been tempted to try but I'm sure they must be delicious. I simply let them unfurl and turn into beautiful ferns that I enjoy almost the whole summer.
