Saturday, December 22, 2007

Athbhlian Faoi Mhaise Daoibh !! Happy New Year To Everybody !!

Fluff and I wish you all the merriest of all Christmasses and thank you for your numerous kindnesses and marks of true friendship towards us this last year. Big bear hugs all around !! My treat !!  

P.S. Our card was conceptualized and photoshopped by Raccoon Hollow Enterprises' own top thinker and designer , Fluff La Rue


  1. What a lovely photo! (c; Big bear hugs back at "youse"!! **LOL**

  2. Great photo and what a lovely greeting card =oD God Jul! KRAM

  3. HOW COOL...I missed this while in my Christmas fizz...I believe someone special put a Background in your stocking..its lovely!

  4. I just saw this. How pretty. McDuff's tail sure has grown.
    What a very sweet and loving card!!
