Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sleighbells Ring , Are You Listening ?

This morning I arose earlier than is my usual wont , gazed out the patio windows and was awed by what I saw. Once again Mother Nature was retouching Her self-portrait and I was fortunate enough to have a front seat ..... there in the morning silence.......watching the Artist wield Her brush. A passage from Robert Service's " The Shooting of Dan Mc Grew" came to mind , " Were you ever out in the Great Alone when the moon was awful clear , and the icy mountains hemmed you in with a silence you most could hear ?" Yes ,it was that kind of morning ! A positively homespun , philosophical beginning to a great day !!

For an instant the scenario before me sent my brain  into idling mode and images of Christmas cards of yore flickered through my mind  with slogans such as the once lofty but nowadays fast-fading wish of peace to all mankind  ......... horse - drawn sleighs ploughing though the snow to midnight services at the village church .... bells a chiming and a tolling...... folks all bundled up in their winter finery , whiffs of smoke curling upwards from chimneys on snow-clad rooftops ,etc  Just enough to give a guy that "warm fuzzy feeling"of well-being , hope and optimism.

Just then ....... out of nowhere........ Li'l Athol popped up......sitting there on my left shoulder whispering in my ear that well - known Seinfeldian existential question , "War , what is it good for ?" ...... adding somewhat philosophically that  maybe more wars would bring more solutions to mankind's woes and injustices. I hesitated for a moment ...... then  counterstruck  with my own query , " Snow , what is it good for ? "The impish look  on his face gave way to bewilderment so I explained that in recent history snow had "cooled down" the fiendish endeavours of two raving / conquering maniacs ( Napoleon and Hitler ) in their attempts at world domination.......... adding that maybe we could find a way to somehow hasten the return of another Ice Age so as to torpedo plans by any other warm-blooded fanatics hell-bent on taking over our majestic orb and its inhabitants.


  1. Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...lalala..Jingle bells are ringing! I guess its time to get that snow shovel out again. Today I sit with my doors open to the warm air outside, the birds are singing, the squirrels are rushing around, and Im wearing my flip flops!

  2. What a nice post! I can really picture you there pondering about them things as you watch out over the winter wonderland. Nice photo as well! Here we are FAR from the winter wonderland image. We had + 8°C the other day and it's been raining a lot.

    Be safe KRAM

  3. That's some heavy thinking for so early in the morning! Love your most natural Christmas card. That is true beauty. I will trade our humid-80 degree day for your morning. The way you just described Christmas is what I alway hope it will be - but..................
    I would be willing to live in the ice age if it meant world peace. That is if I had a heater or two.

  4. And now to answer Dixxe and the two Santas ! LOL Maybe around March 31st I'll start envying you , Dixxe , but for the moment Winter is all I've got and it'd wonderful... and I wouldn't have Christmas any other way.but with oodles of snow. Hugs to you and Mom !

  5. Santa No.1... Mona Klaus.... thanks for the visit and comments...... here's hoping Mother Nature will restore her white mantle for Christmas to offset the crappy weather you have been gettin lately over there. Hugs to you and the lad.

  6. Santa No. 2.... Cindy Klaus...... Right you are about my early morning deep thinking.. LOL..As I said to Dixxe... maybe about late March I would love to be casting into the warm waters of your Gulf in hopes of catching something but until then I love our winters and especially the build up to Christmas. As for heaters I have a small back up heater here in or computer room to keep Fluff's toesies nice and warm. Hugs and get rested when you can .... we can't have you on the burn out list !!

  7. Lots of truth here and maybe a good idea to have another Ice Age as there are plenty out there who need a good "cooling down". We have snow here too but light and fluffy and the garden looks quite beautiful with all its denizens busily eating their way through seeds and nuts and making sure I have to keep on working to feed them all!! Have a great weekend, I shall be busy baking shortbread and mince pies!! Thanx for your visits and kind comments Hugs Chris :0)
