Monday, March 23, 2009

Time and Tide Wait For No Man !!








Each day when we trek the beach at Saints' Rest and look out to sea I become overwhelmed with awe at the sheer might and immensity of it all........... the Bay of Fundy with the highest tides in the world ( 51 feet or 17 meters straight up and down ) ...... unfathomable  volumns of water measured by gazillions of gallons to the power of 2 ad  infinitum that disappear and reappear with astounding predictability twice daily. Quite a show ... and for me a highly religious experience. It looks very much like the needlepoint and crochet work of Saint Thomas Aquinas ' Prime Mover.

I bend over and pick up a few rocks and pebbles embedded in the sand at my feet and once again find myself staring the creation mystery straight in the face. The silent witnesses in my hands , nevertheless , bear loud and clear testimony to eons and eons of volcanic activity followed by the successive  stratification and hardening of molten lava into compressed layer upon compressed layer .... stratum upon stratum...... still visible to the naked eye today in spite of their being tossed around and bounced off one another for millenia by the pounding , relentless waves of the North Atlantic.

Now science tells us that the last volcanic eruption in this area... the one that gave the Bay of Fundy its actual shape today ....took place some 60 million years ago . ....... just a drop in the bucket of time on our way back to the primary bang that set the whole shebang in motion I guess. I kneel in humble awe before it all !!

P.S. I threw in a periwinkle to boot with all its growth rings quite visible. They abound here and are sold in supermarkets... ocean snails.  


  1. Some nice rocks. And a great post. I know that feeling, or maybe lesser than yours. I rarely get to be by the sea but when I have I am awed also. hugs!

  2. Hey Julie Ann.... yes , ever since our return here I cannot seem to get enough of the sea... I need my daily dose now and look forward to it each day. What a boon it is for me to have it so near nowadays. Why I stayed away for so long is beyond me !! HUgs !

  3. Such a nice post Gerry! =o) I can understand exactly how you feel! And such pretty rocks and love that shell!

    Thanks for sharing! =o)

    Wish you and your lady a wonderful day KRAM

  4. Amazing!! Nature's art is so perfect. I understand exactly how you feel but can't put it in such eloquent words.
    So nice to hear from you!

  5. I agree... did you read about the volcano that is erupting in Alaska?
    some of the oldest fossils are in N.B. - I love finding rocks with such personality. Below is a song for you today:
