Thursday, March 5, 2009

In The Name of My Forefathers !!

It's that time of year again , my friends , when the teary - eyed Green Folk .... leprechauns in their belfries and shamrocks growing out of their coat lapels , nostrils and earlobes ..... congregate at the local teach tábhairne to belt out a few verses of Danny Boy or Mother Machree while belting down great quantities of green beer and uisce beatha ........ all this because Saint Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland .... and the English sailed us out many centuries later on the despicably criminal death ships to the Americas !!! .......bountiful land made of green cheese and overflowing with Bailey's and Tullamore Dew !!

Now some of these fine folks might start boasting their Irish ancestry and identity by claiming that their kin had taken part in the Tain Bó Cualinge ( Cattle Raid at Cooley ) and were still on the enemy's most wanted list ..... but please don't believe them as the Cattle Raid at Cooley is the greatest saga in Irish mythology.  A few may even arrogate direct ancestral ties to some Irish lord , baron or earl .... but there once again I say "caveat "... beware ! as those terms are English aristocratic titles and , in no way , correspond to traditional Irish political vocabulary or categories. The only two true Irish terms for the leader or chief of a traditional clan or sept  and his / her deputy chief have always been "taoiseach "and " tánaiste " and are in current use even today . The present Taoiseach of the Dáil Éireann ( Assembly of Ireland ) is Brian Ò Comhain ( Brian Cowen ) and his backup tánaiste is Máire Ní Cochláin  ( Mary Coughlan ). The acting uachtarán or president is Máire Pádraigín Bean Mhic Ghiolla Íosa ( Mary McAleese ........ Mary Patricia , wife of the son of the servant of Jesus ! ). Now there 's a heraldic family name !  Shame on the conqueror , his scribes , tax collectors and shipping agents for masacring our surnames beyond  recognition !!......... among other " misdemeanors " of the sort


  1. I am going to try to remember to wear green on the appointed day, in honour of my Irish blood. My father's grandfather was Irish and way way back they were from Antrim. I know little else.

    What is an Irish toast to do with a beer? I have no clue!


  2. I almost didn't recognize you without a hat on. (c;

    When I think of Ireland I think of John Wayne's "Quiet Man". Rough, tumble, loving and fair. A co-worker once visited Ireland with her 'beau' and came back with some absolutely beautiful photos.

    Maybe some day I'll get my chance. (c;

    I'm from the country in which if you follow through on the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" button worn by a fair lass you're sure to get smacked in the mouth. **LOL**

  3. Hey there , Julie - Ann... Good girl about the wearing of the green.... however , try to find something emerald green..... it looks much classier !

    As for the relationship ... beer to toast ....... I have no idea other than should you propose good health and prosperity to X - Chips in the upcoming year I'll drink to that !! HUgs !

  4. The cap has been so much a part of who I am for so long now , Jim .... before Fluff came here to share my daily life I would wear it all day long and even end up in bed at night with the damn thing still sitting up there. .... even worn it into the shower once or twice !! LOL

    I remember that film so well ... and to think that Maureen O'Ohara is still alive and beautiful today out there in California. Saw her recently on some talk show.

    I do hope that some day , Jim , you might get the chance to visit Ireland and see it firsthand. Google up the Cliffs of Moher while you are waiting . Sláinte mhaith ! Good health !

  5. I've been to Ireland for a first visit last year in July. I did indeed visit the Cliffs of Moher, a spectacular place! I loved the landscape very much. I only had three days to visit the West of Ireland, which is obviously way too short a time, so I will someday have to go again. I live in Holland, so it's not that far away for me.
    Thanks for the blog, I liked it a lot!
    Greetings from Holland,

  6. Happy St. Patricks Day to you , my friend.

  7. Slainte to you both...I'm off to bed here...there's the cookin' t' be attended to, in the mornin' I think the little green starters have all been 'et.
