Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finnegan's Nightmare !!


Of late I have been ploughing through James Joyce's four classic works..... Dubliners , A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man , Ulysses and the unfathomable Finnegans Wake. It took Joyce 17 years to write the latter .......... dying two years after its publication 1939. I might add in passing that should you meet up with someone who says he's reading Finnegans Wake for the fun of it and really enjoing it ..... he's lying !!........ or maybe a masochist !  Joyce's highly idiosyncratic language stoking  a "stream of consciousness "  flow of thought over 600 pages leaves the reader perplex ........ maybe even questioning why the literary world would accord such importance to this unconventional work ?????   

Opening paragraph :

 riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend  
of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to
Howth Castle and Environs. 
    Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passen- 
core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy 
isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor 
had topsawyer's rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse 
to Laurens County's gorgios while they went doublin their mumper 
all the time: nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to 
tauftauf thuartpeatrick: not yet, though venissoon after, had a 
kidscad buttended a bland old isaac: not yet, though all's fair in 
vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe. Rot 
peck of pa's malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by arclight and rory 
end to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the aquaface

Final paragraphe and end of book :

'd die down over his feet, humbly dumbly, only to washup. Yes, 
tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush the bush 
to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End here. Us 
then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! Till thous- 
endsthee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a last a loved a 
long the


N.B. You will notice that he book opens with the action already in progress........ and seemingly ends abruptly .... not completed ! However , upon closer scrutiny one discovers that the last line is , in reality , the part of the initial sentence in the opening paragraph which is missing. I believe that Joyce is trying to convey the cyclicity of life ...maybe his notion of a true 360 ....... that every ending is in some way a new beginning .... and so on and so forth ! And who knows..... perhaps therein lies the genius of this bizarre Irish author ?


  1. I truly could not read 600 pages of that. And probably not 2 pages of that. You are a better person than I am!!! Good luck!! I used to real a lot but not so much anymore, other than I real lots online -- bloggs, news, newspapers from here and Sweden, etc.


  2. Ditto what Julie-Ann said!! I have to admit if I did read something like that and understood it all.......I would really feel like I had accomplished something. ( I think )
    Is this just a challenge to you or do you really get in to it? I imagine it would keep the cobwebs away from your brain, for sure.
    Have a good time with the other three!!
    Nice to hear from you. I thought you had given up on us.

  3. Thanks for the words of encouragement , Julie Ann.... but I won't using this book for bedtime reading in this lifetime nor making any deep study of its structureless structure !! To me it reads as though the author had put some text through the shredder and then haphazardly stuck all the cuttings back together again .... I do admire the man though for all the energy he put into writing such a complex work that looks like English .... giving unsuspecting readers doubts as to their knowledge of English vocabulary ..... whereas , in reality , much of it is made up of nonsense words in unconventional syntactic patterns. HUgs !

  4. Don't worry , dear Cindy Anne..... there is a Santa Claus.... and he's still in the toyshop getting things ready for next Christmas. I haven't given up the ghost just yet !! lol And no ... I shall not be reading this book from cover to cover for the reasons I stated in my response to Julie - Ann.... this work is in the category of Lewis Carroll's well - known nonsense poem JABBERWOCKY published around 1902... 1903. I did notice one good pun in the last paragraph where Joyce refers to life's repeating itself over and over again ......" Finn , again !"( Finnegan )..... or maybe I am just reading too much into it !! HUgs and keep us posted as to what is going on downunder !!

  5. Oh I don't know, it sounds kind of interesting to me! I may just take the time to read it online. (yeah, right ;)

    I guess that Wikipedia explains what it's supposed to be! (lol)

    So did you get a lot of laughs out of it, or was it beyond even your comprehension of languages?

  6. I have always avoided James Joyce's novels, have heard they are very difficult to read.
    To this come that I surely believe I have to read them in the original language - its no good to read a Danish translation because a translation will never be the same no matter how good it is.
    Virginia Wolf and her husband didn't want to edit his novels, they didn't find him "good enough".
    I must say that I admire your stamina - to read one of them is an achievement, reading four is superhuman LOL.

  7. Hi, Just hopping over from Rebby's page, saw a mention of James Joyce, one of my favourite authors..and below I see Ursin finds him hard to read..mmm..suprising, I am no intellectual but I love his books.Good Blog.

    This is based on the book

  8. Dear friends ... Raenie , Ursin and PeeMee.... many thanks for taking time out to drop by and comment on what I had written. Well , I'm no intellectual either and I am not here to bash James Joyce and his epistolary endeavours ..... Dubliners was indeed a most agreeable read with all its colourful local people from Joyce's childhood in Dublin. A Portrait of an Artist as a Young man could very well be an interesting introspective look at Joyce's own struggles as a young author and is well worth reading........ the language and style being much closer to the norm and therefore easier to understand than the other three. His monumental work , Ulysses , in which I am presently .entangled is very well written and full of long descriptive passages that require much patience on the reader's part ........ quite rewarding though all in all .... if only I can maintain my level of interest over the next 800 pages !! And PeeMee... the only common denominator between Finnegans Wake the book and Finnegans Wake the song is the title ! I do love the Dubliners'version of it !

  9. not that philosophy also, life?

  10. I firmly believe so , , .... philosophy not only taken as a love of knowledge but also using this knowledge to help us think and organise the various elements of this universe we live in ..... and deal with them accordingly.

  11. words always equal organization of conflict, perceived or real.

    perhaps sages of the written word merely tempt us in to organizing perceptions and interpretations of reality. regardless of philosophy and directions taken, perceptions may be the key to unlocking our own destiny and reality in this grand, mysterious, inconceivable universe.

  12. As thinkng beings we have the power to shape / mold our own world and maybe beyond and therein lies the danger OR our ultimate salvation. Good to hear from you again , dear Celeste.
