Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canada Day in Raccoon Hollow !!


Foreplay with supper........









Swedish Bombshell with begonia backup......


Québec triangular garden......








Neighbour drops by for midday snack









Ever watchful eyes of McDuff


Long live the home of the free et la terre de nos aïeux !!








Snookums just showed up for late supper so I thought I would let you kind folks in on just how I know she's a SHE without grabbing her by the hind legs  and lifting her up for a spot check.... and take risk of getting rabies too..... You will notice that Snookums is wearing her sporty new white bobby socks



  1. There are so many really interesting points in these photos you have shared today... the ciggy in the maw - the fleurs - and of course the cheeky jowled cat peering in at you with evil delight.

  2. Unhand that chicken you cur!! (c;
    Nice flag. Good thing the Canadian Neo-Cons haven't usurped your patriotism.
    Nice triangle garden. Any special significance?
    Beware furry tailed neighbors not bearing gifts. I think Shakespeare said that
    The Swedish Bombshell is absolutely beautiful....
    But watch you ass because her guard cat is ever alert. (c;

  3. Hey , Jim... that's no chicken ... our rooster , Foghorn whose flashy colours have been somewhat altered by recent rains. Had three beautiful birchtrees in triangle setup die on me so stumped them and built up garden inside the triangle. I leave the Quebec flag out of respect for my adoptive province of some 46 years already.Right you are about Fluff... Sweden's loss... I'm a lucky "sog ".
    I am a proud Canadian , Jim and have worn the Canadian flag with pride along with the Quebec flag on my packsack travelling over 50 years in Europe and elsewheres ! Hope Doan's Creek doesn't freeze over any time soon ....lol Be safe !

  4. Thought I might have seen you and Frank up there on the podium or out in the crowd on Parliament Hill on TV..... great show today I thought ! Thank you for the greetings and here's hoping that Summer's heat will help dissipate old memories of high snowbanks and recent torrential rains. Hugs !

  5. What a wonderful blog post!! Loved all the photos!! Thanks & hope your holiday was a good one!

  6. Thank you , Julie - Ann.... maybe a few key photos with timely comments will make for easier reading and more agreeable to the reader. Hugs !

  7. What a nice photo post! =o) Very nice photos! Seem like you had a nice Canada Day! Thanks for sharing KRAM

  8. Hooray for Canada Day...looks like everyone is getting in on the festivites...Have a great one.

  9. Fantasic shots. McDuff's expression is wonderful!
    I wasn't around yesterday so I am glad you had a Happy Canada Day!
