Thursday, June 26, 2008

Positive Fallout From Humdinger Toothache !!

One thing I have always loved about  a genuine , first - class toothache is that it shifts the centre for pain management to one spot only in the body ...... the throbbing hub..... the  tooth itself !! All our other woes , aches and pains .... whether real or imaginary.... results of aging , previous injuries ,  etc seem to dissipate into thin air whenever a "jim - dandy " of a toothache sets up shop in our lower back jaw..... as is my case at the present moment ! This reminds me a bit of what big banks and credit companies offer to do for us every year... borrow money from them to pay off our numerous minor debts .... thereby centralizing all debts in ONE humunguous debt with them ...... the Mega financiers !!! Free at last !! ...... yet still bound !!

So now back to my pulsating , shooting pain and to the full enjoyment or my toothache while it is still lets me know I'm alive !! This evening I have no room in my mind for the bumps and bruises and hang - ups of everyday living.... tonight I must deal with the grand- daddy of them all .... the blockbuster toothache...... and it is so cool !! All other concerns and worries  are simmering lukewarmly on  the back burner.


  1. Owwwwwwww, there's nothing worse than a toothache. But you got a point there, when you have a toothache, you DO forget all the other problems you might have in your life,

    I really hope you'll get rid of that toothache soon. Have you got any appointment to the dentist?

    Will think of you KRAM

  2. DUDE go to the dentist and have that thing dealt with...I had an impacted wisdom tooth, thats why Im so just stayed half buried in my jaw...well the last flare up was the LAST flare up,,. I had it pulled and once the crater healed up, no more pain...Hope you get rid of your pain soon, especially its FRIDAY you dont want to suffer all weekend.

  3. Thank you dear Dixxe and dear Mona for the kind and compassionate words..... all is well today and I am back to the regular boring ailments and feeling once again the scrapes and scratches associated with this mortal coil we all bear in our daily lives. Hugs to you both !

  4. Hope you feel better soon. I hate a toothache. So little one can do. take care!!!

  5. Nothing worse then a toothache. I hope it doesn't come back anytime soon.

  6. Bio-feedback. One pain takes away from another. Just slam a hammer against your naked big toe and the tooth pain will be forgotten.....or maybe not. Let me check on that. (c;

    Sorry about the tooth and hope it's as short lived as possible.

  7. Thank you , Julie - Ann... hard time finding a dentist these days as they are all on vacation celebrating both Quebec's and Canada's national days !! Might have to resort to the old tactic of string and swinging doorknob !! Hugs !

  8. Hey there , Cindy Ann.... well , the ache is still haunting but not overhurting my jaw for the moment. However , I shall find someone after these national days are over. Hope all is well down in Texas... hugs !

  9. Jim...the hammer on toe routine was what Kris Kristoffersson had done to Mel Gibson in movie "Payback"... no thanks ! LOL I sometimes dive into my cold pool , stay down holding my breath until blue in the face... it helps ! Thanks for the kind words.

  10. Just as a second thought doesn't Ambersol, over the counter liquid in just about any drug store chain, help relieve at least some tooth pain? I remember using it in the past and while no cure all it helps a little. Honest.

    I've also heard that both Scotch and Irish Wiskey but I'm not sure. I've been taking those cures for years and not had a tooth ache since. **LOL**

    Seriously, check out Ambersol.
