Thursday, October 22, 2009











Growing up here in the North End of Saint John was a lot of fun and as we dove , jumped off the wharf and waterfront sheds in Indiantown  ... splashing as we frolicked ....we always seemed to draw a crowd of spectators   ..... not our parents who were too tied up with eking out out meagre existance back then to be doting soccer Moms and Pops so to speak...... but rather onlookers of the aquatic species...... seals and cormorants whom we referred to in a most familiar way as seadogs and hell - divers .....the former so called because of their snouts and barks , the latter because they could dive to extraordinary depths chasing fish. Even though my high diving days are over I still love to go there and watch the great - grandchildren of my friends of yore.  

P.S. Doing some research yesterday evening into the the lifespan of the average seal  I discovered to my great dismay that the life expectancy of males is somewhere between 20 to 25 years while the female seals live much longer .... anywhere from 30 to 35 years. Experts seem to be in full agreement that the male 's shortened longevity is mainly due to extreme exhaustion brought on by overstrenuous sexual activity.. I always thought that Hugh Hefner was all talk anyways ! 


  1. What fun to see seals for real and not in a zoo. Never have. Had a friend once that was on the west coast, saw a walrus, and went to take a closeup. It chased her!! Given anything to see that! Her version was hilarious!!

  2. Great pictures and post =o)

    I had no idea that the seals were living for that many years!

    Wish you a wonderful weekend! KRAM

  3. Hey , Julie - Ann... yes , and especially some of the huge bull walrusses ... when harem is nearby.... can be very mean to intruders. We don 't have any around here but up North where I worked with the native peoples we called them "wewepitshu ".... and then ran !! They can move pretty fast sometimes if you get up too close... hope you are getting ready for Winter down there in sunny Kansas. Hugs.

  4. Hej , Mona.... yes , such a long lifespan....... and in such COLD WATER !! The North Atlantic is not the warm waters of the Pacific around California going southwards.... it is extremely cold ! Hoping that you and Timmy are having a flu - free Fall ! Hugs.

  5. I love your header picture up there. Green is a good color on you. Such a gorgeous coastline. Much more interesting then ours!

    When I lived in CA I use to see lots of seals basking in the sun - on the rocks.

    I thought lots of sex was suppose to keep you nice and trim?? Seals aren't exactly that BUT they sure are cute and pretty.

  6. Righto , Jim... the reward for a life of wanton debauchery . I guess the poor buggers have to do something to keep warm in this cold water

  7. Thank you , Cindy Anne... I love green ... especially emerald green. Bought this sweater in York Beach , Maine .. two years ago. Right about our shoreline here as you never know what you shall come upon when checking out the nooks and crannies as you walk its length and breadth.
    Our average harbour seal here weighs over two hundred pounds when fully grown and I would imagine they are all getting their fair share to boot.... we likewise have another species of seal here , much rarer though "the monk or hooded seal ".... maybe these guys live longer ! .... because of their vow of chastity ! lol Hugs
