Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Walking Tour ! Bring a Shovel !!


  1. Eegad! I'm glad we don't get that much snow. It doesn't look like much fun to shovel all of that.

  2. I would not wish it on you , Laney.... keeps me in shape though ! The top pictures are taken from same angle.... Summer view an d Winter view

  3. That is absolutely unbelievable! What if you weren't able to get out and do that shoveling? It just scares me in a way and in another way it is beautiful! I think it would make me feel very closed in but I guess it's just what you get use to.
    Wow- I bet it would keep anyone in shape. Maybe that's what I need.
    I hope your Spring comes soon!

  4. Hey Cindy Anne ....ma'am.......couldn't do much with a little red bike in all this white stuff... and here's hoping like you for an early Spring.... but they are forecasting snow again for the next two days !! No worry though as one day or another Summer will come !!

  5. Great photo very attractively arraigned on the page. Some day you have to tell me how you do that. (c;

  6. Why thank you , Jim..... shall do ! I wish to commend you on today's video but shall wait till later to view it fully with sound....

  7. Wow! Now that is a LOT of snow!!! I agree with Cindy, to have that much snow so you hardly can look out them windows, that would really make me feel closed in! I saw that you are expecting yet MORE snow! So it seems like you will stay in shape for a while longer! Which is good I guess, but I would rather do something else to stay in shape, than to shovel snow! We got a little snow as well but that is absolutely NOTHING to compare with what you and Reb have! lol I can still bike. Just have to be careful here and there for ice on them roads - that is in the mornings.

    Stay warm! HUGS

  8. Oh my! I can't even "see" the pool this year.

    Your heart must be in great shape after all of *that* shoveling! I don't think I'd be able to even, lift the shovel that high! (yikes)

    keep warm!

    hugs ...

  9. I beleive you have been buried alive in that snow! Thats remarkable!...how long will it take to for all that snow to melt? Did you start your dahlias this winter, I dont see how you could get into that greenhouse?

  10. Mona... you would need grab - chains for your wheels were you to try biking in this stuff. And you are soright about finding better activities to keep in shape.... more fun stuff I would prefer like my friend , Bill , down in Florida these last two months playing golf and swimming... and visiting fles markets all day

  11. Hey Raenie... in shape maybe , but getting fed up doing it this way ! And to think that tomorrow is the first day of Spring !!

  12. Even with chains on I would be afraid to ride my bike lol. Ohhh I don't care much about golfing, but I would love to go with you and Reb to them flea markets! =o)

  13. Dixxe I'll be starting the dahlias indoors around the 20th of April.. and it will take much longer than usual for this stuff to melt this year. I have tunnelled ino the grenhouse twice this year but now I must store up the roof with two 6 x 6 beams before setting foot in there again. AND WE ARE GETTING ANOTHER FOOT AND A HALF TODAY ! ANOTHER 35 CENTIMETERS ! OVERWHELMING IS THE WORD !
