Monday, May 5, 2008

Residual Leftovers from History Class !!

Adam and Eve : They lived in Paradise , near Eden. Raised Cain.... and Abel also !. Chatted with a snake , ate some fruit and blew it for the rest of us.

Noah : Built a big boat , survived the flood and saved Darwin's species for later classification.

Job : He lost his family and all his worldly possessions ...... yet all the while sat patiently on a heap of manure praising the Lord. My hero !

Herod the Great: King of Judaea at moment of Jesus' birth.... responsible for the Massacre of the Innocents and whose very name still remains to this very day a choice swearword in everyday French speech here in Québec.

Punch Us Pilot : Roman Procurator in Judaea who believed Jesus innocent....... yet gave Him over for execution.

Nero : Roman Emperor. He played fiddle while Rome burned !

Confucius , Aristotle , Saint Thomas Aquinas... and my Dad !

Mohammet : Holy man and great prophet. I feel certain he would have condemned the 9 /11 perpetrators.

Leif Eriksson : Viking explorer who discovered Vineland , later identified as Newfoundland , and this is why Newfoundland vineyards and wines enjoy such popularity throughout the world today.

George Washington : First president of the United States. Cut down a cherry tree just outside Oval Office ..... and then LIED about it !!

James Madison : President of the US betwen 1809 and  1817. Had to move out of the White House in 1814 when Canadian and British forces burnt it to the ground during the War of 1812. 

Abraham Lincoln : President of the US who liked Black Folks. Went to the theatre once too often !

Shakespeare : " All the world's a stage and all the men and women on it , merely actors ".

Hitler: He told a great number of people that they were supermen . UNfortunately for the world most of them believed him !!

George W Bush : The American voters willingly and wilfully put him in charge of the world for eight years !!! Thanks , guys !



  1. "Adam and Eve : They lived in Paradise , near Eden. Raised Cain.... and Abel. Chatted with a snake , ate some fruit and blew it for the rest of us."

    See? I told you we can't trust them Christians. Oh, wait. He hadn't shown up yet, had he? Never mind.

    "Noah : Built a big boat , survived the flood and saved Darwin's species for later classification."

    And Darwin still has the email so stating!

    "Job : He lost his family and all his worldly possessions ...... yet all the while sat patiently on a heap of manure praising the Lord. My hero !"

    No psychotherapy back in those days, I guess?

    "Herod the Great: King of Judaea at moment of Jesus' birth.... responsible for the Massacre of the Innocents and whose very name still remains to this very day a choice swearword in everyday French speech here in Québec."

    French speaking people swear? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. (c;

    "Punch Us Pilot : Roman Procurator in Judaea who believed Jesus innocent....... yet gave Him over for execution."

    I hear he's next in line for the Bush Supreme Court.

    "Nero : Roman Emperor. He played fiddle while Rome burned !"

    Well what'd you expect? They didn't have I-pods in them days!

    "Confucius , Aristotle , Saint Thomas Aquinas... and my Dad ! "

    You forgot to mention my dad. (c;

    "Mohammet : Holy man and great prophet. I feel certain he would have condemned the 9 /11 perpetrators."

    At a risk to his own life I'm afraid.

    "Leif Eriksson : Viking explorer who discovered Vineland , later identified as Newfoundland , and this is why Newfoundland vineyards and wines enjoy such popularity throughout the world today."

    And North America has "Indians" that are blue eyed blonds. (c;

    "George Washington : First president of the United States. Cut down a cherry tree just outside Oval Office ..... and then LIED about it !!"

    Well it wasn't outside the Oval Office, it was allegedly when he was a child and the story is allegedly a farce and it depends on what you mean by "is". **LOL**

    "James Madison : President of the US betwen 1809 and 1817. Had to move out of the White House in 1814 when Canadian and British forces burnt it to the ground during the War of 1812."

    I'd read it wasn't burnt to the ground. But it all depends on just what the word "is" is.

    "Abraham Lincoln : President of thee US who liked Black Folks. Went to the theatre once too often !"

    And to this day most men HATE going to the theatre especially if it involves OPERA!!

    "Shakespeare : " All the world's a stage and all the men and women on it , merely actors ".

    And some take their roles far, far too seriously!

    "Hitler: He told a great number of people that they were supermen . UNfortunately for the world most of them believed him !!"

    Wait! Wait!! That sounds very familiar. Something recent I think..l'll get back to you on that.

    "George W Bush : The American voters willingly and wilfully put him in charge of the world for eight years !!! Thanks , guys !"

    He had help from his right wing Supreme Court. And besides, we thought he'd be a good counter to England's Benny Hill but Benny Hill was a lot funnier!!

  2. Yeah, right...but I never received any manuscript?! (c;

  3. Yeah, right...but I never received any manuscript?! (c;

  4. Finally staggered up from the wet , muggy basement , Jim , and decided to rant on a bit. Thanks for humouring me .... and you really did outdo yourself this time ... especially with " and some take their roles far , far too seriously "... great afterthought. Sorry about forgetting your Dad ! I knew about the cherry tree myth but was looking for a way to tie in the LIE and the Oval Office. Long live the verb "to be " and its third person singular "is "!

  5. Your script is in the mail , honey , so keep on adlibbing in the meantime... I like it better that way !! Hugs !

  6. I personally want to apologise to the world for GW. I never voted for him. Hopefully I was smarter than that. But no one would listen to me. Or not enough listened. I hate what we allowed GW to do not only to our country but to the world.

    A good blog post. hugs!!

  7. I will admit, I were one of them that fell asleep during history class in school... =o/ But this were short and good! I am still awake! YAY! lol

    Wish you a great day! KRAM
