We have all been exposed to foreign languages at one moment or another in our lives..... during our schooling , while travelling abroad , through family , friends and neighbours.....advertizing in ethnic communities , Tv , music and reading , stamp collecting...... etc. The following is neither a test , a contest nor an IQ quiz....my query is simple as to whether you ... for any reason whatsoever..... recognize any of the languages here below ........ Can you name any of them ?. And the country represented by the stamps in title picture ? This is meant to be fun !!
1) Bilene har trolig trukket med seg vann som rant ned, slik at veibanen ble glatt. Vakthavende ved Nordre Follo Brannvesen opplyser til ØB at mannskap på stedet rekvirerte strøing og salting av den glatte veibanen lørdag kveld.
2)Näiltä sivuilta löytyy tietoa kaupungin kulttuuri- ja museotoimen palvelutarjonnasta sekä muiden tapahtumajärjestäjien, muun muassa festivaalien, ohjelmista. Mukana ovat myös tapahtuma- ja näyttelykalenterit sekä tietoa kulttuuriapurahoista, vuokrattavista tiloista sekä seudun kulttuuriharrastusyhteisöistä
3) De a nyomozók továbbra is keresik például a Z. Nagy család gyilkosát. Ahogy nincs tettese a több mint tíz éve történt, Delhi bár elotti robbantásos merényletnek sem. A döglött ügyek azonban nem mindig reménytelenek – állítják a rendorök.
4) Sono in primo luogo coloro che non condividono le concezioni del trotskismo che dovrebbero chiedersi perché sia avvenuto tutto questo. Si tratta unicamente di aberrazioni polemiche oppure di un singolare abbaglio? Perché si continua a lanciare strali, a volte sotto forma di colonne di piombo di quotidiani sovietici e cinesi, contro un movimento dichiarato fuori combattimento quarant'anni or sono, liquidato e riliquidato a più riprese e sempre considerato del tutto privo di influenza?
5) Guvernul s-a conformat deciziei Comisiei Europene de reducere a cotei de emisii poluante pentru fiecare instalatie industriala in parte, dar isi mentine solicitarea adresata Tribunalului Comunitatilor Europene de a anula aceasta hotarare.
6) José Ernesto d ’Oliveira, presidente da Câmara Municipal de Évora
“A maior preocupação é a criação de emprego”
7) Fuarchúis i leith Chonradh Liospóin
Is cosúil go bhfuil todhchaí an Aontais Eorpaigh i lámha na nÉireannach faoi láthair. Ach níl muintir na tíre seo ag tabhairt an oiread sin airde ar an reifreann cinniúnach atá ag teacht chun cinn, mar a mhíníonn Breandán Delap
8) Over de beweegredenen van de ruitengooier is op dit moment nog niets bekend. Bij onderzoek bleek de ruit te zijn vernield met een pot sandwichspread. Er raakten geen personen gewond. Het politiebureau liep zeer geringe schade op.
9) La madre de Connor McCreaddie, un niño británico de 8 años y casi 90 kilos de peso, puede perder la custodia de su hijo. Nicola McKeown defiende que no puede dejar de dar comida basura al menor porque no le gusta otra cosa. No come ni fruta ni verdura.
10) Newsweek podaje, ze Michalski, na naradzie mial przekonac kolegów i ówczesnego prokuratora krajowego Karola Napierskiego, ze "dowody przeciw Mazurowi sa slabe, a w sledztwie popelniono bledy".
11) Vinnumarkaður Staða á vinnumarkaði virðist standa í stað eða fara örlítið versnandi, ef marka má skýrslu Vinnumálastofnunar um stöðu á vinnumarkaði í desembermánuði 2007. Búist er við að atvinnuleysi aukist lítillega nú í janúar og verði 0,8 til eitt prósent þegar allt er talið.
12) Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų sistema taip apleista, kad tokia jos būklė pradeda kelti grėsmę lietuvių tautos, Lietuvos visuomenės ir kiekvieno piliečio ateičiai. Dėl šios priežasties iš esmės pertvarkyti mokslo ir studijų sistemą yra vienas svarbiausių artimiausio meto Lietuvos politinių uždavinių
13) Bir ülkede insanlar dine çok fazla vurgu yapıyorlarsa ve dini sembollerin kamu yaşantısına girmesinde ısrar varsa ben bunun bazı sorunlar yaratacağını düşünürüm. Dinin özel alanlarla sınırlı kalması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Şimdi belki kızacaklardır bana bu sözler yüzünden..
14) .
15) Enwogion o fri
Mae Syr Anthony Hopkins a Chynan eisoes wedi bod dan y chwyddwydr ond pwy fydd nesa' yn Oriel Enwogion Hywel a Nia? Gwrandewch ar BBC Radio Cymru rhwng 10:30 a 12:15 ddydd Mawrth neu porwch drwy'r orielau ar wefannau Lleol i Mi am ysbrydoliaeth gan arwyr Cymru
These are really hard. A couple look familiar. I am sure I am not even close.
ReplyDelete1. Danish
2. Finnish
4. Italian
8. Dutch or Afrikaans
9. Spanish
10. Russian
Some of these are really hard. Have no idea where them stamps are from, but will guess lol, Bulgaria?
ReplyDeleteI will show my guesses, I am writing the countries instead of languages, hope that is ok? Here goes...
1. Norway
2. Finland
3. Turkey
4. Italy
6. Portugal
8. Holland
9. Spain
10.Czech republic
The stamps are Albanian - Shqip refers to everything albanian
ReplyDelete1. Norway
2. Finnland
3. Hungary
4. Italy
5. Rumania
6. Portugal
7. Gaellic (Irland)
8. Dutch (Holland)
9. Spain
11. Iceland
12. Lithuania
13. Turkey
14. I wouldn't say as If I go over it with the mouse I get a good clue - so don't want to spoil it for others
15. Welsh
Just a few words - I am 60 years old, grew up in London but spent the last 40 years in Switzerland and have been working in Export for the last 30 years. I have learnt Arabic a year, Russian 12 years, can speak fluent Italian, French and German (also Swiss German) and have knowledge of spanish. I have many international friends here, a few from Albania, Turkey and Hungary (also through my work) and languages are a bit of a hobby of mine. Am now thinking about learning Esperanto. I really had fun filling out this quiz - although I was supposed to be working. Am not sure about all, but most.
I believe Add a Poll would have been a good thing here..oK STABBING IN THE DARK....
ReplyDelete1. Dansk
4. Italian
5. French
8. German
9. Spanish
10. Russian
11. Swedish
14. Arabic
And just put a huge ? behind all of these Im only guessing. I do think Im right on maybe one~
What? No Klingon?? **LOL**
ReplyDeleteGood Lord!! Now another evening of feeling dumb!!! I don't know "jack" but I can tell you there is no Swedish as I read Juliana's and Mona's posts. LOL I did see some Spanish or Italian somewhere I think and that's it for me the Texas numb-skull!
ReplyDeleteBtw I sent you another invite earlier today.........................:)
A word of thanks to all who chipped in .... chirped in .... their contributions. Tabbynera got them all right except for No. 14 .....where she desisted beca8se the answer was visible to those who might happen to glide their pointer over the text. I s Cherokee , an Iroquoyan native language still spoken somewhat in Cherokee , NC and around Talequah , OKLA A brilliant native , George Guest ... better known as Segoyah invented the syllabary... not an alphabet .... to transcribe his language during the first half of the 19th century.
ReplyDeleteJim , I bet you have a Klingon uniform and pay dues !! LOL Once again a huge Merci to you all !!
Inte någonstans såg jag svenska...ärans och hjältarnas språk?!
ReplyDelete...but I love my Polecat anyway.
I ha au nit schwiizer tüütsch gseh, aber i ha es au so verstande (I didn't see Swiss German either, but understood all the same)