Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Settings Propitious to Thought , Meditation..... and Other Related Human Endeavours !!

Back in my former life in the old country ... Yahoo 360.... I wrote a series of blogs entitled "Cortona Chronicles " in which I described my life as a Catholic seminarian at Colleggio San Alfonso in Cortona ( Toscana ) , Italy in the late 1950s and early 1960s. I had a Vespa scooter at my disposal and would often take off to visit neighbouring towns , villages and cities... Siena , Arezzo , Assisi , Perugia , Spoleto , Foligno.... and one of my very special haunts ... Orvieto , about 60 kms south of Cortona .....a massive mound rising out of nowhere and towering some 800 feet high above the Umbrian Plain..Picture Ayers Rock ( Uluru ) deep into the Australian outback with a medievel Italian city on top and around the ramparts..Whenever I see the one the other automatically pops up in my mind.

With the war and its aftermath still quite fresh in the minds of the Italian people and the onslaught of tourism still a few years off into the future..... life was very easy going so I fit right into the picture and that is why I always chose Orvieto whenever I had some deep thinking to do , a long essay or dissertation to write up ., t might also be  some nugget of philosophical thought  that I wished  to explore or think through , such as... Quidquid recipitur , recipitur secundum modem recipientis.......( Whatever is received is received in accordance with the capacity of the receiver ) or Utrum Deus scit a priori ?  ( Whether God knows causally ? )quidquid movetur , movetur ab alio. Whatever is moved , is moved by another !! Real heavy duty stuff now that I look back upon it. After all , my hero Saint Thomas Aquinas had taught here in the Studium during the 13th century ! I am not certain that I reaped any practical benefits from these queries and studies except maybe better thinking skills , more developed critical judgement and a haunting awareness of  the limits of the human brain in fathoming such profound questions..... a very humbling experience , indeed !                                            

I would sit for hours across the street from the magnificent DUOMO or cathedral sipping Orvieto secco San Anselmo and feel utterly inspired by the exquisite and delicate mosaics , carved or sculptued statuettes and doorframes, rosettas , etc.  I have seen and visited many churches throughout the world and loved them all. However, the Duomo in Orvieto remains my favourite by far..... I have never seen a façade that could rival its beauty.

P. S. For better viewing and detail please enlarge pictures.



Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Roaring Twenties !!

This is an old snapshot of my Dad and his cronies from the late 1920s .....early 1930s. It could very well be a scene from the 1967 movie  "Bonnie and Clyde ".... clothes , hairstyles and the old getaway car , the McLoughlin Buick , in the background. My Dad in front row with hat and glasses.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Mad Hatter !!

I have more than a few hang ups and collecting hats is one of them....... fun though !! In fact , in early life one of my " reasonably acceptable " nicknames was " Cappy ". These trophies are  hanging from pegs on the walls throughout  the house.... mostly  mine , some oldies that belonged to my Mom. Each hat is blogworthy...... has a story of its own worth telling. In above pic I am wearng my Breton merchant seaman's cap , offered to me by  Skoazell Vreizh  or l Équipe de Sauvetage en Pleine Mer de la Bretagne  ( Brittany Sea Rescue ) when they made me an honourary member in 1994.I spent the better  part of  the last four years of my active career working on the language and culture of the Breton people in Western France........ another Celtic tongue struggling for survival , etc

P.S. I think that the American government should oblige all " illegal aliens " from south of its border to wear mariachi sombreros  ( photo in top lefthand corner ) when out in public so as to make themselves easily identifiable to Homeland Security !  ( No hate mail , please... just kiddin g ! )

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Celebrate Geezer Day ! Bill's 69 Today !!

"How do I love thee ? Let me count the ways". ....... immortal first line of the XLIIIrd Sonnet to the Portuguese .....words uttered by Elizabeth Barret Browning to her poet husband , Robert Browning. Any semantic parallels drawn between the above and what follows is purely in the mind of the beholder......... although I would surmise that some degree of healthy love is present in all solid friendships !!

AH , friendship ! Friendship is of long standing , durable , unfailing..... like my parents' old Westinghouse fridgidaire , purchased in 1952 , the year I met Bill in Brockville , Ontario .... the only one they ever had..... and still purrng along just fine down in my basement where I have converted it into a master freezer.

Ah , friendship ! Friendship is sharing with the special other , being faithful and truthful in one's promises to that special other , etc......... like the time I shared my trusty sander by lending it to Bill for a few days....... he promised to bring it back and he did !! ...... ten years later !!

Ah , friendship !! Friendship oft requires certain sacrifices by lending a helping hand to buddies....... like the time back in the seminary when I called on you and your tender sweet voice to round out our female quartet for the operetta HMS Pinafore. You honoured my behest by bravely donning  the hoop skirt and babutchka ..... amid the cheers , whistles , jeers and applause..... and stood right there beside me on stage with Berny Lunney and Jim Mooney on my right. Some might call it "guts "... I call it friendship !!

Ah , friendsdhip !!  Friendship is jocular , jovial ........ generous , etc......... like back in October 1968 when I held Kevin's christening during the Liquor Store strike in Quebec.... not a drop being  sold anywhere in the province.....and my dear , sweet old Dad drove up from neighbouring New Brunswick with a carful of booze....... and you volunteed to play barman for the occasion. The picture above catches you and Dad being very  "jocular-jovial" and just thinking how OLD we both thought he was back then ..... he was 69 and you were 29 !! Happy 69th birthday , buddy !!

So , my dear readers and friends , should you be holding a yard , lawn or garage sale tomorrow the 27th of January..... and some old codger who looks a lot like Morty Seinfeld  shuffles up to your table and offers you $ 7  for the used microwave you've marked up  $10 ...... pat him kindly and gently on the head and let him have it for $ 8....... adding , " That's for Bill.... it's his birthday !! He's 69 today ! "

P.S. Bill and wife , Ann , are presently hibernating in Florida !.......and he stalks this site regularly so , if you have time , write a big Happy Birthday , Bill ...... as you pass by . !





Friday, January 25, 2008

Midwinter " Skunkanigans " !!

In the spirit of my friend Barb's call for tenders to write something about our neck of the woods which , although commonplace for us , folks from other parts of the globe  might find interesting.

In late March , 2007.... almost a year ago .... at 1 ; 30 in the morning  we heard someone outside yelling " blue murder " so I immediately ran to the front door , flicked on the outdoor floodlghts and went out on the  verandah  to see what the hullaballoo was all about.   Now we live on a short , deadend road ...... a gully no more no less... with two houses of which ours marks the cul-de-sac and nobody ever comes here unless lost or given specific directions. We are hard to find !!

Anyways now back to the story. As I opened the door I spotted three silhouettes , one of whom was a bit farther ahead of the others and heard him warning the others behind him in a loud voice ,  " Tabernaque ! Sacrons notre camp d'ici... il y a des mouffettes !! " " Damn it all !! Let's get the hell out of here .... there are some skunks !" I laughed as they scampered back up the hill a bit to safety and gave them the right directions to get home as they were lost.

As for the skunks ... well Fluff had already mentioned seeing and hearing them  earlier that same week pitching woo and making whoopie out on the snowbank in the backyard. Now I knew that skunks mated in late March and during the month of April ... but usually in the privacy of their Winter dens only....... never out in publc for all to see. Habitually skunks emerge from quasi hibernation in late April or early May when they are seen foraging for food. To shorten a long story Pepé Le Pew and wife became regular visitors at our patio door from that night on .

Just a few words about the skunk from personal knowledge... they stink !! REALLY STINK !! Should you ever get showered by Pepé and you wash your clothes in " wonderful Ivory Snow " or aything else... even the mythological tomato juice ... it will resurface when you least expect it . How many  popular kids in my school came to class  wearing duds laundered after a skunk encounter ...... only to find themselves outcasts and shunned on rainy , damp , muggy days !!!  Nevertheless , I find them  beautiful to look at from a certain distance ... the perfect white " Y " from head to buttocks..... plus the flashy tail.... and such fine , glossy fur. .... and delicate facial features .......makes you want to stroke it !! In the top picture you can see both Pepé and the wife with tails up in full array...... now the only times  skunks raise their tails in this fashion is when they feel endangered or when they are sexually aroused. So take your pick !!  

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Hyacinth Bucket Collection !!



When my Mom moved to heaven in 1993 I inherited the whole shebang since I was an only child........drawers full of half burnt candles , balls of multi-coloured yarn and buttons of all sizes , dust rags by the hundreds , bottles of vintage holy water labelled with dates , cases of Carnation evaporated milk bought on sale as well as 3 or 4 flats of Campbell's vegetable and tomato soups , rolls of toilet paper galore , etc  The woman was always ready for Noah's Big Happening or a major power outage..
I gave away much of the useful and useable stuff to the Saint Vincent de Paul Society in our parish but kept a few of the family heirlooms brought over from Ireland in the post Famine years by my greatuncle , Phillip Hayes and his sister  , my old blind Aunt Kit ...... seen above in 1936 photo along with my Mom and Himself in the po-chair which my Dad had made for me. I still have memories of Aunt Kit sitting in her standing rocker ( bottom picture ) , gently stroking her cat and singing Gaelic "ditties". I was nin e years old when she died. My question to you today is simple. Do you have any antiques haunting your modern home furnishings ? If so , please share them with us .    

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Are You Smarter Than Two Irishmen ?


It was 4:30 in the afternoon on Christmas Eve , 1973 , when it all happened. The thermometre gave a reading of 35 below zero Fahrenheit and my Mom , Dad and I were anxious to get home before the 5 o'oclock traffic rush . After shopping at Place Laurier for last - minute gifts we trudged our way .... arms laden with our spoils..... through the crowds to the parking lot exit where I had parked my old 1964 VW. Once the packages stored away under the front hood ........ motor's in the back !..... we took place inside , Mom in the back , Dad riding shotgun beside me and myself at the wheel. I turned the key in the ignition , hit the gas ... and heard a loud "SNAP " .....and the gas pedal went limp !! The steel wire linking the pedal to the armature on the carburator at the rear of the car was broken beond repair. The motor was working fine... running smoothly .....but we could neither go forwards nor backwards because I couldn't give it any gas.

After uttering a few choice ones I looked at Dad , reached behind my seat and dragged out a bottle of vintage Navy rum we had bought to warm heart and body during the Yuletide season..... we each took a short swig , stepped out of the car to assess the situation ....... and one half hour later we were back home  , the car parked in its usual place . We had made it home without any towing , pushing .... nor helped by a downhill glide we lived about three kilometres from the shopping centre....... all three of us on board.

How did we do it ? Wat would you have done ?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Name Me If You Can ! Part 2


We have all been exposed to foreign languages at one moment or another in our lives..... during our schooling , while travelling abroad , through family , friends and neighbours.....advertizing in ethnic communities , Tv , music and reading , stamp collecting...... etc. The following is neither a test , a contest nor an IQ query is simple as to whether you ... for any reason whatsoever..... recognize any of the languages here below ........ Can you name any of them ?. And the country represented by the stamps in title picture ? This is meant to be fun !!

1) Bilene har trolig trukket med seg vann som rant ned, slik at veibanen ble glatt. Vakthavende ved Nordre Follo Brannvesen opplyser til ØB at mannskap på stedet rekvirerte strøing og salting av den glatte veibanen lørdag kveld.

2)Näiltä sivuilta löytyy tietoa kaupungin kulttuuri- ja museotoimen palvelutarjonnasta sekä muiden tapahtumajärjestäjien, muun muassa festivaalien, ohjelmista. Mukana ovat myös tapahtuma- ja näyttelykalenterit sekä tietoa kulttuuriapurahoista, vuokrattavista tiloista sekä seudun kulttuuriharrastusyhteisöistä

3) De a nyomozók továbbra is keresik például a Z. Nagy család gyilkosát. Ahogy nincs tettese a több mint tíz éve történt, Delhi bár elotti robbantásos merényletnek sem. A döglött ügyek azonban nem mindig reménytelenek – állítják a rendorök.

4) Sono in primo luogo coloro che non condividono le concezioni del trotskismo che dovrebbero chiedersi perché sia avvenuto tutto questo. Si tratta unicamente di aberrazioni polemiche oppure di un singolare abbaglio? Perché si continua a lanciare strali, a volte sotto forma di colonne di piombo di quotidiani sovietici e cinesi, contro un movimento dichiarato fuori combattimento quarant'anni or sono, liquidato e riliquidato a più riprese e sempre considerato del tutto privo di influenza?

5) Guvernul s-a conformat deciziei Comisiei Europene de reducere a cotei de emisii poluante pentru fiecare instalatie industriala in parte, dar isi mentine solicitarea adresata Tribunalului Comunitatilor Europene de a anula aceasta hotarare.

6) José Ernesto d ’Oliveira, presidente da Câmara Municipal de Évora
“A maior preocupação é a criação de emprego”

7) Fuarchúis i leith Chonradh Liospóin
Is cosúil go bhfuil todhchaí an Aontais Eorpaigh i lámha na nÉireannach faoi láthair. Ach níl muintir na tíre seo ag tabhairt an oiread sin airde ar an reifreann cinniúnach atá ag teacht chun cinn, mar a mhíníonn Breandán Delap

8) Over de beweegredenen van de ruitengooier is op dit moment nog niets bekend. Bij onderzoek bleek de ruit te zijn vernield met een pot sandwichspread. Er raakten geen personen gewond. Het politiebureau liep zeer geringe schade op.

9) La madre de Connor McCreaddie, un niño británico de 8 años y casi 90 kilos de peso, puede perder la custodia de su hijo. Nicola McKeown defiende que no puede dejar de dar comida basura al menor porque no le gusta otra cosa. No come ni fruta ni verdura. 

10) Newsweek podaje, ze Michalski, na naradzie mial przekonac kolegów i ówczesnego prokuratora krajowego Karola Napierskiego, ze "dowody przeciw Mazurowi sa slabe, a w sledztwie popelniono bledy".

11) Vinnumarkaður Staða á vinnumarkaði virðist standa í stað eða fara örlítið versnandi, ef marka má skýrslu Vinnumálastofnunar um stöðu á vinnumarkaði í desembermánuði 2007. Búist er við að atvinnuleysi aukist lítillega nú í janúar og verði 0,8 til eitt prósent þegar allt er talið.

12) Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų sistema taip apleista, kad tokia jos būklė pradeda kelti grėsmę lietuvių tautos, Lietuvos visuomenės ir kiekvieno piliečio ateičiai. Dėl šios priežasties iš esmės pertvarkyti mokslo ir studijų sistemą yra vienas svarbiausių artimiausio meto Lietuvos politinių uždavinių

 13) Bir ülkede insanlar dine çok fazla vurgu yapıyorlarsa ve dini sembollerin kamu yaşantısına girmesinde ısrar varsa ben bunun bazı sorunlar yaratacağını düşünürüm. Dinin özel alanlarla sınırlı kalması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Şimdi belki kızacaklardır bana bu sözler yüzünden..

14) .Sample text in Cherokee

15) Enwogion o fri

Mae Syr Anthony Hopkins a Chynan eisoes wedi bod dan y chwyddwydr ond pwy fydd nesa' yn Oriel Enwogion Hywel a Nia? Gwrandewch ar BBC Radio Cymru rhwng 10:30 a 12:15 ddydd Mawrth neu porwch drwy'r orielau ar wefannau Lleol i Mi am ysbrydoliaeth gan arwyr Cymru


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Midwinter Fun And Salmon Harvesting !!


The Rivière Montmorency flows through Saint-Brigitte-de-Laval  , a small municipality not far from where we live , and cascades into the Saint Lawrence River just East of Québec City......a truly marvellous sight to behold ........its mighty waters crashing onto the bedrock below.........In Summer folks come here to picnic , frolic or simply enjoy the scenery and sounds. In Winter they come here to take in the metamorphic transformation of the Falls into a solid wall of ice , literally thousands of giant icicles frozen together into one humungous bluish - white rampart. Some even come equipped with special boots and icepicks , etc ready to climb the massive bulwark as captured in January photo of Falls. These daring climbers are not only reaping  physical benefits from this activity but also material and nutritive ones. The following paragraph will explain.

Many salmon making their way upstream through rapids , over cascades and falls to their spawning grounds are late..... and last-minute stragglers are part and parcel of all societies whether men or fish......and while hurdling themselves upwards  during the Big Freeze become instantaneously immobilized in midair  and immediately  embedded in the fast-forming ice at whatever level or height they reach in their frantic leap. The climber uses his icepick or pickaxe to extract the salmon from their icy tomb and drop them to friends eagerly awaiting below. And a fun-packed afternoon followed by a copious meal make for a rewarding day indeed for all participants !!    

P.S. Please enlarge for better viewing !  

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shakutewa mak Shashapina !! Cloudberries and Dulse !!


Mona and Julie - Ann , you both may go directly to the head of the class with the "cloudberry "answer. So it is a hjortron , the Swedish word for cloudberry....... and  you all realize that I am learning Swedish by osmosis so to speak ..... probably due to my intimate proximity to the source !! And should Jim ever come to our house for supper I hereby promise to kill the berries before serving them for dessert. If it were tobacco , Dixxe , it would cost me next to nothing to smoke as I know where to get oodles of this stuff "relatively free "!! Now two days ago I said I would name and explain both items more fully in a separate blog so here goes..... and I am choosing the point form over the  narrative or prose form in what follows.

Cloudberry :

1. Mainly a circumpolar , subarctic berry ..... found especially  in bogs , moors and marshes. The cloudberry grows one fruit to a plant on low bushes roughly 10-12 inches high. The berry is amber-coloured .... made up of several yellow - orange drupelets much the same way as raspberries and blackberries are formed  In  August it even takes on a reddish hue  when over-ripe.

2.I have often gone "berrying "with the Montagnais - Cree - Naskapi peoples of Quebec and the "shakutew " or cloudberry in a big time favourite, The women mix them in with bear and seal grease/fat to make preserves.... and the resulting mixture "äged" is fit for gourmet taste buds only !!! We Québecois have adopted or borrowed the Montagnais word " shakutew " and Frenchified it to " chicouté " for everyday chitchat while reserving our more classical word " plaquebière " for more sophisticated scientific usage.

3. The Newfoundlanders call them " bakeapples " ... and the whys and wherefores are mysterious as to its origins. However , I think it is a simple misnomer based on rampant bilingualism and language contact involving  English and French across the Strait of Belle Isle between Blanc Sablon ( Québec ) and Saint Anthony's ( Newfoundland ). Bake-apple comes  from "baie qu'appelle "...... " berry ( thät one ) calls  " ..........and I'll stop here as the truth is long to discover and certainly  not all that interesting to those who do not study historical linguistic aberrations for a living !! LoL

4.While doing fieldwork in Finnish Lapland during the 1980s among the Saami people I picked and ate my fair share of cloudberries and cloudberry jam . Up there the Finns call it "lakkamarja".... and in any Finnish ALKO store you can buy a bottle of overly - sweet LAKKA  , an after-dinner liqueur....... rather potent in alcohol content.


1.That awful - looking stuff is called "dulse".... a word you'll find in all good dictionaries. Etymologically dulse is a loanword from Irish Gaelic "duileasc"..... a special kind of seaweed found only in certain spots along the North Atlantic coastline........and my very own Bay of Fundy is the top place in the world , especially the rocky shorelines of Grand Manan Island and Deer Island.  Growing underwater and swaying ... nd fro with the waves dulse looks very much from above like moose antlers doing the boogie woogie.At low tide this seaweed is collected . then sundried and sold in most grocery stores and convenience stores....... mainly in and around my hometown , Saint John , New Brunswick.

2. Growing up as a kid it was a must in every household. We never went to Gault's grocery store without my Mom buying a peck bag of dulse. Doctors recommended dulse instead of vitamin pills as a source of iron for the blood. At hockey , baseball and football games the vendor carrying popcorn , peanuts , softdrinks  , etc in the stands also carried little bags of dulse which they sold for a penny each.  Nowadays they ask for a bit more !!  On my last trip to Saint John last Fall I brought back about 6 or 7 giant  bags of dulse ... enough to last me all Winter Fluff hasn't develloped a taste for it yet.....

3. In closing I wish to greet my best buddy , Bill , whose birthday you all helped me celebrate last January 27th and who chickened out of facing up to the challenges of our annual Great White Scourge and who is presently hibernating under the sunny skies of Florida . I know that he is stalking this site , lurking in the shadows..... so maybe this will bring him out of his bashfulness ..... and while I think of it , Bill is my favourite "dulse pusher " likewise......and he could possibly tell you all why I call him this ????       

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Name Me If You Can !!


Taking a break from heavy duty , grabchain blogging such as my recent one about my kith and kin of yore ... and somewhat in keeping with the spirit of Mona's excellent . I - dare - you Challenge..... and  , as always , in search of presenting something interesting to my droves of readers and fans .... I thought I would try the following........

The items in the above photos are objects from my own experience and surroundings. Do you recognize them....? Can you name them ? Have you ever seen  , touched , smelled/smelt , tasted , heard or heard of them ? 

P.S. Two of the pics are of the same item , one giving a close up whereas the other shows  it as it appears in its natural habitat. Both are edible.........However , one of the two is "eatable " for the few and reserved for the taste buds of refined connaisseurs only !!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Climbing, Shaking and Trimming the Family Tree


As promised some two months ago I have finally decided to post the results of my research into my family history . There remains much more to uncover , discover and write up but this will do for now and hopefully one day my two lads will read this text with interest , respect and love for those who went before them...... thereby better understanding where they themselves come from. Top picture : Aunt Minnie .... Middle Picture : Matilda Georgiana and John Joseph ..... Bottom picture : Matilda Georgiana 

Growing up in the shanty-Irish North End ( Indiantown / Pokiok ) of Saint John , New Brunswick I guess I knew as much about my immediate forebearers as anybody else did about theirs........ an Gorta Mór or Great Famine of Ireland , the coffin ships carrying death , disease and survivors in the aftermath.......along with the tough times since their arrival in the adopted land.......long periods of quarantine on Ellis Island for those going to the States or on Partridge Island or Grosse Île for those coming into Saint John and Québec City respectively. One of my important ancestors , "surnamesake"  and future great grandfather ...... a lad named Séamas from County Donegal sailed into Saint John sometime during the Great Famine on a "coffin ship" along with his father , Owen ( John ) / Eoin , his mother  , Mary McShane and his older brother , Myles , a rather odd name for an Irish Catholic back then..... therefore easily spotable by someone like myself climbing the family tree a century and a half later. I am still researching the fate of his mother and possible other siblings. One tidbit I do know for certain is that he was born in Ireland in 1841. 

My Dad told me that Séamas or Old Jimmy as he called him , a millwright by trade ,spent most of his life piling lumber / deal at Murray's sawmill , doing carpentry work around Saint John and also shipbuilding in nearby Saint  Martins where he met and married his second wife , Mary  Buckley  , sister to Dan and Johnny  whose descendants had   moved  to Mars Hill , Maine where Fluff and I visited with their decendants during our recent trip to Northeastern Maine........touching base with my long-lost kin I guess........... all part of the search for roots !. But now , however , I'm jumping the gun chronologically !l My truly documented family history begins with Old Jimmy's first marriage to Anne Bryson which took place at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on November 3rd , 1862........ with Henry and Ann McGinn as best man and bride's maid. Of this union five children were born...Frances ( Fannie ) , 1864 , William , 1866 , Mary Ann , 1868 , John , 1871 and finally Catherine ( Katie ) , 1873...... who unfortunately would drown at age 13 in the Reversing Falls. Fannie married John Brookins and boosted the demographical statistics of Portland Street by a half dozen  birth to six children many of whom I knew in my youth , William went to Boston in search of fame and fortune and was never heard from after that , Mary Ann married Daniel Doherty and moved to Oregon ,   and then comes my grandfather , John Joseph ....born on January 11 , 1871 and died on May 15th , 1909 at age 38 of TB as well as from gangrene poisoning in his legs . My Dad told me that all he could remember of him was that he was tall and carried a big cane. I still have the receipt for the burial lot he bought at St Joe's Cemetery in 1908....... maybe he had a premonition of his imment death which happened the following year.

Sometime between Catherine's birth in 1873 and 1880 my biological great grand ma , Anne Bryson , died since the diocese archives bear witness to Old Jimmy's  second marriage to Mary Buckley ( mentioned above ) which , like his first , was celebrated at the Cathedral. Mary gave birth to only  one child .......Ellen G. ( aka Ella ) .... born in 1881 . She would later marry Ned Furness and live across the river from us in Fairville. I knew her well in my youth as Aunt Ellen ( she was really my great aunt though ) , a stubby , comely old lady with lots of facehair and a wide variety of odd hats. Old Ned smoked cigars and the pipe and their house "stenched thereof " !! He never missed a spitoon either .... not even at three paces !! Séamas / Old Jimmy died at the Saint John Infirmary on the 28th of January , 1924 , at age 83. Mary Buckley would die three years later at her daughter Ellen's home , 12 Mill Street , Fairville , December , 1927. She was 89.

Parallel to the drama unfolding in Saint John and of equal importance for the make up of my family tree are  the intermingled stories of the Brochet and Valpy families of the Gaspé Peninsula  and Isle of Jersey , one of the two Channel Islands ......... just off the French Coast but belonging to England the population of which was more or less bilingual. On February 2nd , 1843 at age 40 James Brochet of Jersey marries Henriette , 16-year-old daughter of John Laurens .... both likewise of Jersey. The marriage took place at Percé , Québec and eight children were born of this union. The third child , Mary , was born in 1847 and would become fatefully linked to my coming into being !! In her mid twenties while working as servant to Monsieur Dumaresq Valpy , originally from Jersey and local merchant at Percé , she became pregnant twice by him  giving birth to two baby girls.... the first in 1872 was named Emma , the second born in 1874 was christened Matilda Georgiana........ my own dear sweet Nanna whom I knew and loved so much !! I remember her well as she died in 1954 when I was 18 years old. Remarkably for that period in time Emma and Matilda , both illegitimate , opted for their biological father's surname , Valpy , and not that of their mother's , Brochet. Thus , my true biological great-grandfather , Dumaresq Valpy , was born on the Isle of Jersey in 1848 and died at Percé in 1890 .When in their early twenties Emma married Joe LeBlanc and moved to Montreal where she gave birth to three children ..... Roland , Lucienne and Edna called Deda whereas Matilda , accompanied by her mother , Mary , found her way  to Saint John , New Brunswick looking for work as a house servant. For years afterwards people would refer to Mary as " Aunt Minnie ". She never once told anybody what her true relationship was to Matilda , my Nanna  Matilda met John McAnulty and they were married at the Cathedral on July 10th , 1900 . They had two sons , Leo in 1901 and Edmond , my Dad , in 1903.



Sunday, January 6, 2008

Entry for January 06, 2008 Bring Me Your Weak And Oppressed !!

Mumblings , grumblings , rampant discontent
Promises , promises ...embedded in cement
Slogans , banners and whoopla ad nauseam
Backbiting , backstabbing and backgammon for power
Opponents hanged , drawn and quartered
God against Allah and Old Nick
Senior knights in shiny pantsuits
Upstart knights in glinting ebony
Fires of democracy burning bright
Fed and stoked by the Almighty Buck
Corporate America licking its chops
Beholding the new brood of lackeys to corrupt
Mugwumps and media grooming ...yeah promoting
The stallions and fillies of their choice
From the log cabin to the White House
Tear down the log cabin for firewood
To heat the weak and poor
The white houses need new furnishings and carpets
And life goes on
So the powerful prevail
An the weak crawl back into oblivion whence they came
Until such time as they're needed once more.
And the American Dream comes full 360 once again !

P.S. The pic is of the 13th century mosaic masterpiece by Coppo di Marcovaldo on the vaulted dome of the Baptistry of the Duomo in Florence , Italy..... Judgement Day !!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bring Me Your Weak And Oppressed !!

Mumblings , grumblings , rampant discontent
Promises , promises embedded in cement
Slogans , banners and whoopla ad nauseam
Backbiting , backstabbing and backgammon for power
Opponents hanged , drawn and quartered
God against Allah and Old Nick
Senior knights in shiny pantsuits
Upstart knights in glinting ebony
Fires of democracy burning bright
Fed and stoked by the Almighty Buck
Corporate America licking its chops
Beholding the new brood of lackeys to corrupt
Mugwumps and media grooming ...yeah promoting
The stallions and fillies of their choice
From the log cabin to the White House
Tear down the log cabin for firewood
To heat the weak and poor
The white houses need new furnishings and carpets
And life goes on
So the powerful prevail
An the weak crawl back into oblivion whence they came
Until such time as they're needed again
And the American Dream comes full 360 once more !