Last week I was bemoaning the first killer frost marking the end of Summer and the death blow to many of our beautiful plants and flowers. I even started to empty the pool ... the first step in the winterization process. However , since then Mother Nature has made a full about-face and temps have climbed back up to July standards in spite of the ongoing Fall colour change , leaves falling , etc. So I put th pump back in the river , brought the pool level back up to Summer level , added some chlorine and Bingo !! We're back in business again !! Up until this year I have never felt comfy in the pool after September 10th.... my own personal record. However , this year with pool temp at 55 Fahrenheit / 13 Celcius
I feel like my title says. Might be something true about this global warming thing after all !!!
You look like your trying to drown yourself. **LOL**