This past Thursday She - Who - Chats - With - Jays and I went to visit an old collegue and friend of mine with whom " j'ai bamboché " ( I painted towns , vllages , cities , hamlets , burgs , etc red ! ) manys a time during our younger years . During our chat I asked Jacques whether he had kept in touch with the denizens of Saint Adolphe , a cute village nestled in a hilly dead-end road some 15 kilometers from here.............. and more especially with the local patriarch .... le père Lepire ..... whose surname most of the villagers bear. He informed me that the " bonhomme " or old guy was dead but that his favourite grandson was getting married soon to some young lady from Sainte - Brigitte - de - Laval by the name of Lemieux.
Almost immediately L'il Athol went into action and together we conjured up visons of the Jay Leno Show and his section on wedding announcements with ironically funny family names . We likewise thought of the passage from the wedding ceremony itself... " for the better or for the worse ". In French " le mieux " as a noun means the best whereas " le pire " means the worst !! I guess we could say that things are going from better to best ..... and from worse to worst !! .... and that Jay Leno's flashcard headline might have read , BEST - WORST WEDDING SLATED FOR SATURDAY !
Yeah! A lot of marriages go downhill. I'm guessing it's the damn ceremony that's at fault. *lol*