Firstly I simply wish to highlight the fact that today our Canadian loonie/looney or dollar ( coin ) reached parity with its American counterpart. The last time this happened was back in 1976.
Secondly I am posting a better picture of my sumac bower for my friend , Chun .... who mentioned she could not see it very well. As you can see the leafy overhang protected the geraniums from the frost last weekend whereas the dwarf dahlias and zinnias had reached the end of their tether... or growing season. The garden under the bower is triangular in shape .....each of the three angles being marked by stumps of dead paper birchtrees.
Thirdly.........yesterday I emptied quite a bit of water out of the pool as a first step towards winterization. However , today I woke up to a lovely hot day with lots of promise for the next week so I put the pump in the river and pumped fresh H2O back into the pool..... turned on the filter motor , added some remaining chlorine ... and Bingo !! we're back in business !! Had a great ... but short ... swim and hope to do so for a few more days ! This is the latest date in 30 years for this spa!!
Fourthly ........while discussing sumac and Fall leaf colour change in a recent post Cindy commented that she would like to see what a sumac colour change looked like . Fluff snapped the pics below which show sumacs at various stages of the process. The whole fringe area in the backyard is lined with sumacs so it should be rather "polychromatic"towards the end of the month.
To me that looks like a poisonous plant.