Friday, September 28, 2007

Entry for September 28, 2007 Par Un Temps Pluvieux !!

En me levant ce matin je me suis posé la question à savoir s'il y avait des gens de la francophonie mondiale ( France , Belgique , Québec , Suisse , etc ) qui passaient par ici de temps en temps ... ou non ! Alors , j'ai décidé de tenter une experience en écrivant mon blog en français plutôt qu'en anglais. Pour débuter je peux vous dire que nous..... moi et ma douce moitié , Fluff...... habitons une jolie petite chaumière sur le bord de la Rivière Jaune en plein milieu de la forêt boréale québecoise. Ici à la maison nous parlons anglais entre nous puisque Fluff est suédoise et moi-même de souche irlandaise tandisqu' avec les gens de la région ..... les gens qui nous entourent.... nos voisins quoi !... nous parlons la langue de Molière. 99% de la population de la ville de Quèbec et ses environs sont francophones.

Aujourd"hui il fait un temps plutôt mossade ..... pluie menue agaçante.......tandisque depuis le début du mois de septembre nous jouissons d'une température exceptionnellement fort agréable ..... presqu'estivale..... ce qui me permet de me bagner régulièrement à tous les jours dans notre piscine creusée.........laquelle serait normalement fermée à cette époque tardive de l'année. On a déjà eu notre premier gel meurtrier où les plantes faibles ont " mordu la poussière " pendant que d' autres , plus costaudes , ont survécu et fleurissent toujours.En tout cas nous savons fort bien que la neige n'est pas loin et qu'il faudra bientôt chausser nos pneus d' hiver. Alors , mes ami (e) s .... tirez - vous une bûche ( assoyez - vous en québecois ) et envoyez - nous un p'tit mot pour nous renseigner sur ce qui se passe chez vous............vos quelques arpents carrées sur cette planète que nous partageons tous ensemble. À bientôt !

P.S. Many folks with diverse ethnic backgrounds and languages pass through the Yahoo 360 maze every day so I have extended an open hand to any of those who may be French speakers .......... simply extending a friendly hand , folks , and by no means wishing to snub my " regular customers " .

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Entry for September 26, 2007 Swishing Merrily Like Swine in Swill !!

Last week I was bemoaning the first killer frost marking the end of Summer and the death blow to many of our beautiful plants and flowers. I even started to empty the pool ... the first step in the winterization process. However , since then Mother Nature has made a full about-face and temps have climbed back up to July standards in spite of the ongoing Fall colour change , leaves falling , etc. So I put th pump back in the river , brought the pool level back up to Summer level , added some chlorine and Bingo !! We're back in business again !! Up until this year I have never felt comfy in the pool after September 10th.... my own personal record. However , this year with pool temp at 55 Fahrenheit / 13 Celcius I feel like my title says. Might be something true about this global warming thing after all !!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Entry for September 22, 2007 Take Me To Your Leader !!

This hackneyed command has been the source of manys a chuckle over the years when referring to alien encounters ...... or in its more rustic version in old cowboy and Indian movies... " Take me to your chief !".I have always been highly impressed by the " foreigners " quick understanding of the English language...... and equally by our automatic presupposition that they do ...... even in real - life situations !!!! In some movies a scruffy - looking individual who has dealt with "Injuns" in the past is called upon to make his boss's will known to the native emissaries. After uttering a few barely audible grunts on his part the Indians nod their heads in understanding and often commend the interpreter , " You speakum good Kiowa " . This -um suffix would seem to be a universal ending which one may add to any English verb root .... and for all persons , both singular and plural , i.e. I speakum , thou speakum , he speakum , she speakum , we speakum , etc. Even Seinfeld got in on the act with his " We smokum peacepipe" episode ! One recent .... so to speak.... movie in which a native language was ín the spotlight is Dances With Wolves where Lakota ( a Siouan tongue ) was used rather extensively throughout with dignity and exactitude. Our own Canadian Oneida ( Iroquoian ) Graham Greene.... Kicking Bird ... , coached by Lakota elders , did an excellent job...... as did the white captive woman , Mary McDonnell.... and , of course , my hero , Floyd " Red Crow " Westerman .... himself a native Lakota in the role of " Ten Bears" !!

P.S. Should you ever find yourself in Northeastern Québec near any one of the nine Innu ( formerly Montagnais ) villages and wish to speak to the headman or ´headwoman here's what to say : Ishitâtshimîh nte tshûtshimâmîht ! Take me to your chief ! Or if addressing two or more natives at the portal please make the following grammatical adjustments. Ishitâtshimîkw nte tshûtshimâmwâwîht ! If accompanied by a friend and addressing only one Innu then you must ask , " Ishitâtshiminân nte tshûtshimâmîht " ! If accompanied by your wife , your mother-in-law and her sister then you might want to say , " Ishitâtshimîkut nte tshûtshimâmîht "........" Take them to your chief !......... all these expressions highly grammatical and legal !! wonder the code talkers gave nightmares to both German and Japanese intelligence during World War II.!!!

P.S.2 If you leave this post with only the Seinfeld caper in mind , which is always fair game , then I have missed the boat here. What I wished to stress in an informal manner is the fact that the native tongues of the three Americas rate structurally among the most highly complicated and grammatically sophisticated languages found anywhere in the world. Their demise on the North American continent alone has been .....and still is ongoing tragedy of epic proportions. They shrink , wither and die while we expand !

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Entry for September 20, 2007 -- Even Steven and Otherabilia !!

Firstly I simply wish to highlight the fact that today our Canadian loonie/looney or dollar ( coin ) reached parity with its American counterpart. The last time this happened was back in 1976.


Secondly I am posting a better picture of my sumac bower for my friend , Chun .... who mentioned she could not see it very well. As you can see the leafy overhang protected the geraniums from the frost last weekend whereas the dwarf dahlias and zinnias had reached the end of their tether... or growing season. The garden under the bower is triangular in shape .....each of the three angles being marked by stumps of dead paper birchtrees.

Thirdly.........yesterday I emptied quite a bit of water out of the pool as a first step towards winterization. However , today I woke up to a lovely hot day with lots of promise for the next week so I put the pump in the river and pumped fresh H2O back into the pool..... turned on the filter motor , added some remaining chlorine ... and Bingo !! we're back in business !! Had a great ... but short ... swim and hope to do so for a few more days ! This is the latest date in 30 years for this spa!!

Fourthly ........while discussing sumac and Fall leaf colour change in a recent post Cindy commented that she would like to see what a sumac colour change looked like . Fluff snapped the pics below which show sumacs at various stages of the process. The whole fringe area in the backyard is lined with sumacs so it should be rather "polychromatic"towards the end of the month.

DSC06040 DSC06045
Fifthly......... I finally found out who shot J.R.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Entry for September 19, 2007 My Contribution to Mona's Pirate's Day !!!

After many years at sea, a pirate decided to retire. Since he had suffered injuries on the job, he thought that he should collect on his worker's compensation insurance. He had a wooden leg, a hook where his right hand should be and a patch over his right eye. The agent assured him that he would be compensated if the injuries were work related. "How did you get the wooden leg?" asked the agent. In a booming voice the pirate replied, "Me and me mates were on the high seas when the boom swang 'round and knocked me into the sea where a shark bit off me leg." The agent replied, "That is certainly work related. How did you lose your hand?" "Well matey, me and me mates were on the high seas when the boom swang 'round and knocked me into the sea where a shark bit off me hand," said the pirate. "That's also work related. Now how did you lose your eye?" asked the agent. The pirate replied, "Well matey, I was laying on the deck one balmy day catching some rays when this seagull flew by and dropped his duty right in me eye!" "What does that have to do with the loss of your eye?" said the agent. "It were the first day with me hook!"

P.S.Shivering the timbers of individual members is optional whereas group shivering of timbers is frowned upon and considered highly subversive.........and should there be a surplus by week's end .... then kindly revert the leftover amounts to Mona's account. It will serve as a base for next year's Pirate's Parade as we all proudly and wildly shiver our timbers in downtown Rimbo , Sweden ! !

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Entry for September 18, 2007 Viva la Vida !!

Last Saturday evening I drove downtown to bid a sorrowful adieux to a good buddy and colleague , Rodrigue........... he in his casket and myself kneeling beside him. That very night a killer frost dealt a death blow to my beautiful begonias. Both Rod's lightning - bolt heart attack and the frost came unannounced ....... out of the blue....... with their lethal consequences.

P.S. Please do not feel obliged to comment this post as I simply wanted to insert Rod's passing into my personal journal so as to remember him now and then as I pursue other events and issues within its framework.


Requiescas in pace , Rod...............and you lovely begonias too !!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Entry for September 15, 2007 -- Sumacs

In her recent blogs my friend , Petra ( tender plant ) both declared and demonstrated her great love for trees........ and this got me thinking as I too hold them dear ..........from the pygmy - sized bonzais to the redwoods of the West Coast. In one post Petra artistically incorporated the pic of a tree which grew in front of her house which I recognized immediately as a sumac. She confirmed my identification. So today I thought I would write a few words about my own experience with and affection for our native Northeastern brand of sumac , rhus typhina , a photo of which appears in the title entry above.

Back in the Fall of 1978 I went down to the cliffs overlooking the Saint Lawrence River and dug up three oak saplings , three one - meter tall sumacs and one wee ball cedar with a mind to transplanting them up here in the hills North of Quebec City where these species are as scarce as the well - known chicken's molars. Some 30 years later the oaktrees are about a foot in diameter and tall , the cedar pushing 10 meters in height whereas the sumacs have been running rampant ..... multiplying like the rabbits of Australia. To the right of the pool in the photo are six sumacs which I have been trimming and groming into a bower .... umbrella. In the Fall the leaves turn a most beautiful combo of red - gold with greenish admixture to boot. Quite stunning effect !
DSC05939We have had great success with our modest vegetable garden this Summer .... harvesting regularly since early August various species of tomatoes , zucchini and cukes. Each time we taste the juicy South Carolina Goldens ( yellow tomatoes ) we raise our fork to Dixxe. On the platter beside the fruit and veggies you may notice two spike or cone - shaped objects. They are the fruit of the sumac tree... as seen in title entry.... two others of which I have placed in a glass of lukewarm water to soak ....... resulting in the water turning a deep purple colour. Popular folkcuisine tells me to add sweetner and drink as " lemonade ".... so I followed the recipe. YUK !
P.S. Since I love delving into word etymologies I checked out the origin of SUMAC. From the Arabic for matter used in tanning or dyeing !!! I tried the mix on an old white tee shirt..... and it worked !!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Entry for September 09, 2007 On The Road Again !!

Tomorrow whilst my dear friend , Céleste , is keeping a watchful eye on " Athol " Air and taking care of business out there in the far Northwestern reaches of Alaska......She - Who - Quacks - With - Ducks and I shall be checking things out at the opposite end of the country.... in the Northeasternmost corner of Maine...... therefore of the USA . There are three villages in particular that have caught our attention , Stockholm , Sweden and Jemtland , Maine. Roughly 25 years ago I had it from rather sure sources that a few oldtimers still spoke Swedish there.... so tomorrow we shall find out for sure !!

A bit to the South of these old Swedish settlements is the small town of Mars Hill... pop. 1480 where my Daideo's ( grand-dad's ) sister married the Buckley clan patriarch , Old Dan , whose statue adorns the parking lot of the small Catholic Church today........ right on the main drag ! I might even find a few kissing cousins lurking around town . I haven't been back there in over 40 years .... and back then the womenfolk were " childbearing " at an astounding rate !! So one never knows...... ???

So why not google up Google Earth and type in Stockholm , Maine , USA and follow us on our quest and meandres ?

P.S. Thanks to Fluff for use of her map which she borrowed from some site and have a week well worth living y' all.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Entry for September 08, 2007 Saturday Anecdote !!!

This past Thursday She - Who - Chats - With - Jays and I went to visit an old collegue and friend of mine with whom " j'ai bamboché " ( I painted towns , vllages , cities , hamlets , burgs , etc red ! ) manys a time during our younger years . During our chat I asked Jacques whether he had kept in touch with the denizens of Saint Adolphe , a cute village nestled in a hilly dead-end road some 15 kilometers from here.............. and more especially with the local patriarch .... le père Lepire ..... whose surname most of the villagers bear. He informed me that the " bonhomme " or old guy was dead but that his favourite grandson was getting married soon to some young lady from Sainte - Brigitte - de - Laval by the name of Lemieux.

Almost immediately L'il Athol went into action and together we conjured up visons of the Jay Leno Show and his section on wedding announcements with ironically funny family names . We likewise thought of the passage from the wedding ceremony itself... " for the better or for the worse ". In French " le mieux " as a noun means the best whereas " le pire " means the worst !! I guess we could say that things are going from better to best ..... and from worse to worst !! .... and that Jay Leno's flashcard headline might have read , BEST - WORST WEDDING SLATED FOR SATURDAY !

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Entry for September 05, 2007 Case of Mistaken Identity ..... and More..... !

I went to the bank yesterday to pay a few bills and the place was crowded to the hilt !..... line ups at the automatic tellers too !! By the time I got to number one position in the line with roughly 15 impatient clients behind me of the " flesh and blood " lady tellers at the far end of the counter , whom I knew only casually , looked up , saw me and in a loud voice asked ... " Monsieur McNulty , est - ce que vous avez un jumeau ?"... " Mister McNulty , do you have a twin brother ?" . Followed a moment of silence while I thought a bit..... and then L'il Athol blurted out , " Yes , ... his name is George........... George Clooney !". The place went in to an uproar. These fun moments only happen once in a blue moon ..... and the timing was right yesterday.
P.S. In no way do I consider myself a George Clooney look -a- like and the whole incongruity of the comparison is the stuff of which good humour is made up ! The above pic was taken in Italy when I was George's present age.......... adding a wee hooker of Tuscan " vino nero " to my daily diet.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Entry for September 03, 2007 Bavarian Fairyland !!

Today's post is a follow up to my last blog in which I shall describe a wee bit post-war Germany....especially Bayern or Bavaria , a section of the Vaterland that had not undergone the massive bombings experienced by the more industrialized Western and Northern provinces. Bavaria , in general ,was all about farming ! The above pic is Kloster - Gars in the foreground , the huge Redemptorist monastery which housed roughly 500 people all told... priests , seminarians , lay brothers who worked the farms , nuns and their postulants and novices , etc. In the background is the village , Markt - Gars , with its huge marketplace for the local farmers to barter their wares. The Inn River , which has its source in the Austrian Tyrol , comes out of Austria ... by Innsbruck ( bridge on Inn ) just to the South of Gars inside Austria ......behind our mosastery and onward towards Passau where it flows into the " Blue Danube " . The Inn marks the border between the two countries . The first nine pictures in this post are from postcards I have been carrying around with me these last 48 to 50 years !

haag-obbThis pic shows the neighbouring town of Haag. I would often go there "mit dem Fahrrad ".... by bike.... as that was the most common means of transportation back then .... roughly 14-15 years after the War . I had a friend , Peter , who ran a local Bierstube or beer-joint there . The Haag Brauerie or brewery made excellent "helles" or blond beer.

haag-obb-tooA close up pic of Haag .... Peter's Bierstube was in the house on extreme left just below the tall tower.

straubingStraubing on the Donau or Danube. Not too many cars back then !

nice-houseTypical Bavarian house adorned with statues , carvings , and religious paintings ..... and flowers , of course , during the Summer.

dreifluessenstadt-passauOn the 12th of August , 1961 I set out alone from Gars on a two-week bike tour of Eastern Bavaria armed with some Brot , Käse , Wurst , a bedroll and a few shekels , pedalled much of the time along the Inn ..... through Waldkreiburg , Mühldorf , etc until I reached Simbach where I simply crossed the bridge into Braunau , Austria and visited Hitler's Geburtshaus..... birth house. Many Germans back then would often hasten to inform me that the former Führer was actually an Austrian....... to which many chuckles followed. I arrived in Passau ( above pic ) on the 13th and fell in love with the place and people. This is where the Inn ( on right ) hooks up with the Danube which is seen here flowing out of the background ( Austria ) towards the reader . The Domkirche in centre of town harbours the biggest organ in Europe ...... and the organist was no slouch either !!

wasserburgwasserburg-tooUpstream from Gars was the above town of Wasserburg........ yes , you got it right !! Watertown !!.... and for evident reasons named so !! ..... with absolutely herrliches dunkels bier.... out - of - this -world dark beer !! This was my Fairyland image I kept in my mind for years afterwards until I revisited Wasserburg some 25 years later. It was still a most beautiful site ...... but I could not recapture the magic of youthful dreams of the past.... which is only normal.... and I think you' ve all experienced other such phenomena in your own lives.

dreifluessenstadt-passau-tooAnother view of Passau , the " dreiflüssige Stadt " ... the three-river city..... the third being the Ilz seen flowing into the Danube from the right ( hidden from view in first pic ). The Ilz has its source in the Czech Republic to the Northeast.

koenigsseeOne of those picture - perfect sites , St Bartholomä on the Königsee in the Bavarian Tyrol , not far from Berchtesgaden.... Hitler's hideout.


bavaria1Two more examples of Bavarian house paintings with yours truly standing in doorway waving goodbye to you all .

P.S. The day I reached Passau , August 13th , 1961 everybody was talking about " Die Mauer " ... The Wall.... as that very morning Walter Ulbricht , the East - German leader , had given orders to begin the construction of the infamous Berlin Wall . It stood in shame until November 9th , 1989 while dear Walter had already gone to his heavnly reward in August of 1971..... some ten years after issuing the orders.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Entry for September 01, 2007 A Great Human Being !!

We are often inspired and awed by people we see in the media or elsewheres but with whom we never have the opportunity to rub shoulders. This evening I wish to share with my readers my own personal encounter with just such a person...... Father Bernhard Häring , C. Ss. R. , a German Redemptorist priest and author of " Das Gesetz Christi " ( The Law of Christ ) , a book which shook the very foundations of the teaching of Catholic moral theology when it was published back in 1954....... with its refreshigly positive outlook on the whole subject. God was no longer portrayed as wielding a two-edged word waiting for us to make a mistake so that we might be rightfully , righteously or judicially sent on our "merry way" to hell which we deserved but rather a merciful , loving God who understood our flesh and bone make-up and who forgave our weaknesses , etc

What I am writing about today is simply an addendum or postscript to what I wrote in my Cortona Chronicles during the Winter of years as a theological student at Colleggio San Alfonso in Cortona , Italy during the late 1950s and early 1960s......... and not a plug for Catholicism in any way whatsoever. Being born into a Redemptorist Fathers' parish ..... this Congregation profoundly and favourably marked the first 26 years of my life.......... and I remain deeply indebted to them even today.

So without further " great expatiations" or long-windedness I'll get to the point. Any time I ventured out of our mountain hideout and seminary in Cortona and came to Rome I always stayed at the Mother House on Via Merulana 32 bis..... which lodged the Alfonsianum .... the world centre for Catholic Moral Theology at that time as well as professors and students. As a young seminarian I was highly impressed .......hobnobbing with the great ones in the corridors , sleeping in a cell next to that of Father Van Barfleet , the well-known Dutch scholar..... asking Father Raponi to kindly pass the " pasta asciutta" in the refectory or simply kneeling beside some other "topgun" in chapel during meditation.Like Dixxe says so well in her book... " life was simple back then" and I was young and full of awe !!

It was here that I first met Father Häring , world-renowned author and professor of moral theology ........ and all-around great guy as I was soon to discover. I was walking back to my room on the third floor in the monastery when I passed in front of an open door and was greeted by a cloud of pleasant - smelling pipe smoke.... so I looked in and saw him sitting there......... bent over his desk seemingly in deep thought. and read the name on the door ........ quickly realizing I was in the presence of the man whom I had heard so much about from my teachers and studies in preceding years.......... whose three volumns adorned my desktop back in Cortona. Catching sight of me from the corner of his eye he looked up suddenly and invited me in for a short visit and a smoke. I explained to him why I was studying in Italy and that my two Canadian friends , Abe Sterzer and Steve Kennedy , were studying theology and learning German at the Redemptorist seminary at Gars -am - Inn in Baveria , Germany...... his old alma mater ! To my great delight he asked me outright whether I would like to accompany him to Gars the following month when the Summer holidays began............ and that he would personally telephone my Father Superior in Cortona to make it all happen. Needless to say I was overjoyed ..... and one month later I was sharing the same compartment with Father Häring on the midnight express train out of Rome's Stazione Termini and bound for Munich.

During the ten - hour trip I got to know the man a wee bit and came away convinced that he WAS what he preached in his writings........ a kind , generous and saintly human being who radiated wisdom , peace , love and understanding in his every word and gesture. I felt very privileged and humble and I still feel the same way today as I sit down here at my desk the three volumns of " Das Gesetz" stand proudly on the bookshelf behind me..... within easy reach ! Father Bernhard died in Gars on July 3rd , 1998 at age 85.

P.S. It was widely rumoured around Rome that , in spite of his meek outward demeanour and mild manners , Father Bernhard nourrished a profound dislike for zealous hypocrites as well as certain members of the Roman Curia and their overly rigid interpretations of what Christian morality was or should be. One afternoon I went to the University of Rome la Sapienza where he was invited as guest speaker only to find him standing beside the podium before a large audience in full harangue mode........ finger pointing out the window across the Tiber toward Vatican City ......... and saying how inane and "assinine" he found the Curia's proposition to place Via Veneto , Rome's " jetset "street of " debauchery " and ill repute which Felini had just made famous in the movie " La Dolce Vita" , on the Sodom and Gomorrah list .... and thereby off limits to Catholic clergy under pain of automatic excommunication . The students , all young priests and seminarians like me , began showing their approval by stomping their feet and pounding the desktops with clenched fists. I got a real eyefull that day...all part of the learning process I guess !!