Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Seminary Days With Redemptorist Fathers


  1. What cool photos! I love old photos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Good photo. Is the coloring from age or was it intended to be like that?

  3. A line from a Billy Joel song comes to mind, "when I wore a younger man's clothes". And didn't we all once? (c;

  4. Any idea what year this photo is from? Your parent's clothing looks kinda 1950-ish.

  5. Stamp Japan? And a tie on a girl?

  6. What'd you do wrong to get stuck in this line-up? Whoops! I've been watching far too many cop shows on TV. **LOL**

  7. Woodstock? Where's your guitar?? (c;

  8. Very nice to see all these. Bet there are many more stories from that era you could tell us.
    I have lots of questions but will keep them to myself.

  9. That was a photo taken for 1st university diploma... for the our seminary was affiliated with the University of Windsor , ONtario

  10. Love sharing with friends , Julie Ann..... still many more up my sleeve...

  11. The three of us had just finished climbing two of the highest peaks in Austria and had just arrived back at the monastery in Gars-am-Inn , Germany

  12. I had just finished my year of silence .. novitiate... and my parents were here to witness my taking of the temporary vows of poverty , chastity and obedience... my lady friends afterwards always said that the only one I ever kept was POVERTY though !! It was September 1956 and you hit the nail right on the head !

  13. Three of us had to sign contracts to play on varsity teams.. guy sitting down quarterbacked the football team while Bernie and I played for the hockey team. Bernie lives not far from here and we get together now and then for coffee.

  14. This was 1955 and I had to be dressed in black from August 15th of that year. I began my year of silence shortly after this pic.

  15. Hey there , Cindy Anne... you bettcha there are lots more yet to come..... and I promise to answer any question you put to me
