Saturday, February 21, 2009



  1. I expect the next photo to be of you!!!! It will be most interesting!!! LOL!!

  2. Got to think about this one. You sure don't want my immediate thought! LOL

  3. So you have traced you Celtic roots so far back that you realize they survived without a shower or even bathing. Why would you fly in the face of such a time honored family tradition?

    The question to ask yourself as you ponder McDuff's ability to reach the sweet spot, can you put your leg above you head, bend over and use your own tongue with such precision ? A loofah would be handy!

  4. I have a feeling I got the very same thought that Cindy have... I'll be silent LOL

    funny photo!

  5. Ladies ! Ladies ! Please do not judge me too harshly... I am trying to be neither boastful nor vulgar..... just musing over the idea of how much simpler life might have been had I been born into a higher species of beings than my own where folks " tongue " their way to cleanliness even though it means taking some " tough licks " along the way .......rather than to contumely , deceit and fraud .... as seen in the recent Madoff and Stanford scams . As for the acrobatics involved in miming McDuff... well , I have about as much elasticity in my members as there is in a hockey puck .... and pehhaps therein lies the rub !! Thanks for coming by today.... hugs to all .

  6. LOL,

    My first thought was, "Good luck with that!". I'm glad when I'm still able to stand up on one leg, while donning a sock! Yep, my mom thought of some strange forms of exercise! ;)

    I watch Haskell Jr. and Garfielda while doing their "laundry", and I've never envied them! Especially poor Garfie, while she's attempting to spit out mouthes full of her lovely long fur! (UGH!)

    I think we're better off leaving those cat things, to the cats! ha, ha, ha...

  7. I'm afraid that position, tho potentially useful, would cause more problems in the long run.
    1. How ya' gonna get out of it? (c;

    ps once read about a woman who divorced her husband because he would only take "air baths" instead of the usual soap and water ne'd just stand there in the living room naked flapping his arms and shaking the "dust" from his body. i guess it didn't really work.(c;

  8. Raenie ..... With a stretch of the imagination and time on one's hands to daydream we sometimes find ourselves doing the oddest things !!.... and performing the most eccentric feats !! The exeptional economic boom that Ireland has been pulling off these last 20 years is referred to as the Celtic Tiger..... maybe that's why McDuff's prowess caught my attention this morning. Hugs

  9. Were I doublejointed Cindy Anne , I might just give it a try ......... and then bitterly pay the price for the rest of my sorry life !! I can barely cross my legs when sitting upright !! Hope your ship comes in real soon....... Hugs

  10. You are absolutely right , Jim.... we all know the expression to put one's foot in one's mouth.... well putting it up behind the left ear would truly be a feat proving me lithe and limber but , as you say so well , I risk remaining jammed in that position until the hearse pulls up at the front door. ..... can just picture the shape of my custom - made coffin too !!
