I have noticed of late that many of my readers and friends are into gourmet cooking .... some posting recipes while one , our very own Céleste , even went so far as to give us a visual blow by blow demonstration ......one hand wielding the ingredients , utensiles and pan while filming the whole shebang with the other. With all the varieties of Surf ' Turf or Chirp 'n Turf already on the market these days I sincerely hope that my simple Cluck 'n Moo Soup recipe will bring simplicity and good taste back into gourmet cooking.
1. Late Chun Dynasty .... 13th century..... place mat and bowl to enhance ambience..
2. Lay chunks of chicken at bottom of bowl
3. Then add one full can of Campbells Italian Wedding soup..... beef , barley and spinach... on top of poultry cuts.
4. Sprinkle with seasonings to taste , adding a drop or two of tabasco
5. Microwave the whole for roughly 5 minutes.
P.S. Bringing together the above - mentioned ingredients in the manner presented herein is strictly optional....... meaning that one may either do it on purpose or absentmindedly by mistake.......... the latter way being the story of my recent experience with said substances!!
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