Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readings , Musings and Reflexions !!

This last year I have spent many fun - filled hours delving into family history ..... dusty old documents in crypts , microfilms of old burial and birth certificates ... old newspaper clippings , etc This evening I came across one wee entry in the Daily Telegraph for February 2nd , 1884 and I wish to share it with you here.

Last eve. Mr. and Mrs. John FREDERICKSON celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage at their residence, Exmouth St., Saint John. Mr. Frederickson, who is the grandson of a Loyalist, was born in St. John, but at an early age moved to Halifax, N.S. where he lived till the age of 21 when he moved to Boston, Mass. There he met his wife, a native of Nova Scotia, and they were married. Subsequently the young couple returned to St. John where Mr. F. successfully pursued his business of shipbuilding. It was he who designed the "Marco Polo", the fastest of New Brunswick sailing ships. Fifteen years ago he was appointed to a position within the Inland Revenue Dept. in this city, a post which he still fills. Although both he and his wife have lived the allotted three score and ten years, they remain in full possession of their physical and mental faculties. They have living seven children, 19 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Note how the author of these short lines seems to marvel at the fact that ALTHOUGH they have attained the ripe old age of "three score and ten " years.... 70 years old !!! they still are mentally and physically alert !! Having all ones marbles at 70 was a rare occurence  in those days ? Shorter life expectancy back then I guess ? Hell ! I feel better than ever before and I am looking at 70 in the rearview mirror ! Better not get too cocky though... BY the way the Marco Polo was the first clipper ship to sail around the world in under six months and at the present moment shipwrights with volunteers are building a lifesize replica of the Marco Polo and hope to christen her sometime soon.... more than likely in the Spring I hope.    

Thursday, October 22, 2009











Growing up here in the North End of Saint John was a lot of fun and as we dove , jumped off the wharf and waterfront sheds in Indiantown  ... splashing as we frolicked ....we always seemed to draw a crowd of spectators   ..... not our parents who were too tied up with eking out out meagre existance back then to be doting soccer Moms and Pops so to speak...... but rather onlookers of the aquatic species...... seals and cormorants whom we referred to in a most familiar way as seadogs and hell - divers .....the former so called because of their snouts and barks , the latter because they could dive to extraordinary depths chasing fish. Even though my high diving days are over I still love to go there and watch the great - grandchildren of my friends of yore.  

P.S. Doing some research yesterday evening into the the lifespan of the average seal  I discovered to my great dismay that the life expectancy of males is somewhere between 20 to 25 years while the female seals live much longer .... anywhere from 30 to 35 years. Experts seem to be in full agreement that the male 's shortened longevity is mainly due to extreme exhaustion brought on by overstrenuous sexual activity.. I always thought that Hugh Hefner was all talk anyways !