Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
$300 Worth of Knowledge For 12 Bucks !!
A few weeks back I was having one of those private moments with myself ...... thinking , of course.... and I made up my mind that between then and the hearse I would read some major work on the history of civilization...... mainly to freshen up what I supposedly already knew but lie dormant in my memory and secondly give me an overall view of what had taken place on the world scene over the last " few " thousand years as seen by one author..... and , in return , on my part have material to chew on and criticize or agree with.
Well , a couple of days ago Fluff and I browsed our way through the mountains of books at the Big Brothers / Big Sisters Annual Book Fair where I hit the proverbial jackpot. I bought 4 of Will Durant's "The Story of Civilization " , thick tomes ( 800 to1000 pages each volume ) well-annotated with footnotes and cross references galore....... a monumental and scholarly work of great proportions. At a book fair last year in Quebec I had already bought his book "The Reformation " so I was now the proud owner of 5 out of this 10 - volume series.And just yesterday a street vendor sold me my sixth prize copy "The Age of Louis XIV " for two bucks. Still four to go but I'm optimistic........ and in the meantime I have lots to read ...... having already started with the volume " Caesar and Christ "..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Eternity just one heartbeat away , infinity much farther !!
Caught your undivided attention with the title now , didn't I ? And no , Cindy Anne , I'm not heading for the nearest bridge to jump off....... in spite of some of the appealing ones in Mona's recent DARE. Au contraire , mes ami(e)s , I am feeling just fine.... just a couple of slipped disks and a double hernia shy of being in perfect physical shape. Maybe the title has something to do with the contents of a few of the books hanging out of late on my desktop along with the usual oddball grammars and dictionaries....... Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time "and "The Universe in a Nutshell ".......Brian Clegg's "A Brief History of Infinity " and The Last Billion Years : A Geological History of the Maritime Provinces of Canada "........ and then again it might be because I had breakfast this morning with nine old buddies from my seminary days most of whom I hadn't seen in the last forty to fifty years !!!
It was a wonderful reunion and as we pulled away from the table at the end I could hear the loud creaking of bones. However , we made it through the whole meal without calling in the paramedics so we all came away happy ..... promising to get together once more on August 22nd , 2059.......... and I guess I should have a clearer and more precise appreciation of what eternity is all about by then.