In this computerized world we live in nowadays I neither twitter nor tweet. However , I DO chirp !! In fact , when but a mere lad my Nanna would always say that my bummy little friends were cheeky ( bold /.impolite ) while I was simply chirpy. So there you go.
Well , we ' ve been here over seven months now and , contrary to popular opinion back in Quebec , I do not regret moving back to a home town I left almost 60 years ago in search of fame and glory ( huge LOL ). I only regret not doing it about ten years ago when I retired from the university. Saint John is a truly remarkable place to live and loving the sea as I do I can recharge my batteries at will 24/ 7 at close range. What a tremendous boon !!....and free too !! No covercharge !!
Healthwise all is as well as I could hope for , I guess ....except for the fact that I exposed my right shinbone to the world by way of a gaping hole left by a run - in with a trailer hitch in the dark. Nurse Fluff has changed dressings faithfully over the last two months so this gash will soon be history. In the meantime , however , I have sprung myself a double hernia .... so along with the other two already in place it's getting rather crowded "down there ". Amen !
The girls / ladies who work as cashiers at supermarkets or as waitresses in restos always address their customers as honey , dear , sweetie , etc . Because of my age I usually get "dearie " ! I told Fluff I don't mind it and even find it cute...... however , should they start patting my gently on the head while saying it ... then I'll really blow my top !
I sincerely hope that you are all in good health and enjoying this wonderful Summer weather we are all experiencing. I hear that Mona has even launched herself into a new career .... following in the footsteps of Susan Boyle. Go for it , Mona .... reach for the stars ! Grab me one too while you're at it ! Hugs to all and y'all !!