There was a solemn moment yesterday at Saint Patrick's Square .... in the shadow of the giant Celtic Cross....... where many of us had gathered to commenorate and remember the thousands of our ancestors who had not made it to the Promised Land .... having died at sea or shortly afterwards upon arrival at Partridge Island of typhus fever....... within swimming distance of the shore. Manys a tear was near I feel sure when the Master of Ceremonies asked us to gaze out to sea towards the island in silence and reflect upon the hardships and sufferings of our forefathers ... all the while the bagpipes softly shrilled out the mournful lament The Flowers of the Forest.
Now an old Irish softie like myself would have liked to hear all the names as well as the ages of all 2000 victims read aloud ...... even had it meant standing there another 2 hours or so. However , that didn't happen so I am mentioning but a few here this evening to keep their memory alive in my own wee way.
Date July 10 1847
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper New Brunswick Courier
The following is a return of passengers who died in Hospitalon Partridge Island (St. John) from 7th May to 2nd July with their ages and the names of the vessels from which they landed: From Brig "Midas" from Galway - John SHAUGHNESSY, age 30; Martin WALSH, age 18. From Brig "Thorney" from Donegal - Barbara PRESTON, age 65; Mary TUMMANY, 26; Andrew TAIT, 35; James LYNCH, 40; Bernard HIGGINS, 25; Michael MAHIR, 26; Ellen CATTEN, 28. From Barque "Aldebaran" from Sligo - Andrew DEVITT, 50; Michael GILLAN, 18; John McCALEE, 32; Philip FORD, 20; Mary KELLY, 27; James KILMARTIN, 40; John McMANUS, 33; William RAFTER, 50; Mary HARRINGTON, 8; John DOUGAN, 60; Conly TUMMANY, 23; Larky McCUE, 25; Bartley MANTAN, 30; John MURRAY, 26; Patrick CULGIN, 28; Honora BRAY, 26; Barbara PRESTON, 60; Mary GUNNING, 9 mos.; Bernard KELLEY, 30; Thomas RAFTER, 30; Mary SHEA, 2; Peter COOPER, 35; Sarah BRANNAN, 25; Charles LAYMAN, 30; Mary McGEE, 30; Patrick MALONEY, 20; Mary MACK, 8; Michael MULLANEY, 20; Con. CORRAGAN,10; Thomas JUDGE, 40; Mary MALONEY, 25; Catherine FOX, 20; Margaret MORRISON, 25; Michael KENNON, 20; Peggy SULLIVAN, 1 1/2; Mary MANN, 25; James DYER, 27; Michael LAHEY, 30; Jerry CRONIN, 27; Martin CLARKE, 22; Mary MORRISEY, 25; Patrick McDERMOTE, 10; John RAFTER, 30; Ann BOYCE, 6; Unity GRAY, 23; Jerry McMANUS, 4; Mary LEAREY, 3; Mary HARRINGTON, 30; Catherine RAFTER, 25; John MARTIN, 15; Mary OPERAN, 9; Mary HARRINGTON, 9; Jerry SULLIVAN, 10; Winny CONLEY, 40; Michael CLIFFORD, 23; Bridget DOHERTY, 23; James McGEE, 4; John GREEN, 22; Patrick CONLEY, 40; Honora McGEE, 25; Bridget COIL, 18; Henry DOGAN, 18; Catherine ALLAN, 12; Lawrence MORIN, 30; Thomas DOUGAN, 13; Francis GILLESPIE, 13; John MORRISON, 23; Charles FLYNN, 24; Owen COUGHLIN, 10; Rody McMORRISY, 33; Ann GILL, 36; From Barque "Mary Harrington" from Donegal - Patrick KERIGAN, 20. From Barque "Marchioness of Clydesdale" from Londonderry - Charles DUFFY, age 40. From Barque "Amazon" from Liverpool - Winfred CUMMIDY, age46; Briget MARVEN, 25; Ann DUGGAN, 2 1/2; Mary HOBIN, 27; Rachel GYPSUM, 22; Norry SULLIVAN, 30; Charles McGUIRE, 8; James GIBSON, 30; Patrick McDONAGH, 25; Patrick McDONOUGH, 20; Catherine CURRYAN, 16; Martin AIKIN, 16; John COFFEE, 40; Catherine OWEN, 56; Thomas McGRAUGH, 30; Bernard MORIN, 4; William KENNEDY, 50; James GILL, 4; Joseph MARTIN, 2; Margaret CRAIG, 40; William KENNEDY, 35; Margaret McDONOUGH, 3 mos.; Margaret LOW, 50; John MORAN, 50; George CORR, 33; Francis W. MULLIN, 45; Alexander TAYLOR, 38; William BARRET, 31; Ellen KENNEDY, 60. From Barque "Pallas" from Cork - Peter RYAN, 22; Jerry CRONIN, 30; Jerry CRUMMINS, 25; Timothy CRUMMINS, 25; Margaret CARTY, 25; Mary CARTY, 20; Mary HICKEY, 25; Mary HARRISON, 54; Mary HARRINGTON, 50; Andrew MANNIAN, 40; Capt. HALL, 45; Daniel LINEHAN, 25; Catherine DONAHOUGH, 39; Jerry HARRIGAN, 60; Mary CLANCE, 20; Patrick KEEFE, 25. From Barque "Governor Douglas" from Cork - James McGINNIS,25; Margaret HALEY, 5; Hurly SULLIVAN, 35; John NEIL, 34; Mary NICKOLSON, 30; Patrick RANNEY, 42; John QUINN, 22; Daniel LYNCH 22; Mary McNEELY, 26. From Ship "AEolus" from Sligo - Sally TOHER, 18; David HENRY, 55; Unity BURNS, 11; Patrick CRADE, 7; Biddy KILBRIDE, 15; Mary HARTT, 25; Mary McLOUGHLIN, 40. From Brig "Inconstant" from Cork - Ellen McCARTY, 20; Catherine HENNISAY, 25; Ellen McCARTY, 25. From Brig "Dealy" from Bantry - Bridget CONNY, age 10; Catherine COLLINS, age 20; Ellen HALEY, 17. From Brig "Preserverance" from Cork - Robert HUES, 60; John McCARTY, 40; Catherine O'HARRIN, 55; Catherine O'HERRIN, 50; Daniel AHERRIN, 53; Ellen MORRISON, 15; Patrick MURRAY, 40; John CRAIG, 19; John LINESA, 33; Constantia BRESLIN, 20. From Brig "Mary" from Cork - Michael CRONIN, 28; Thomas FORD, 30; Johanna LEARY, 12; Bridget HURLY, 16; James LYNCH, 36. From Brig "Ocean" from Cork - Mary RAFTER, 32. From Ship "Sir Charles Napier" from Londonderry - John MITCHEL, 18; Hugh BOYCE, 60. From Barque "Malvina" from Baltimore, Ireland - James CARNEY, 26. From Brig "Friends" from Waterford via St. John's, Nfld. - William CONNER, 25. From Schr. "Mary" from Cork - Margaret COUGHLIN, 25. From Brigatine "Caledonia" from Cork - Anne McMANUS, 50. From Brig "Hannah" from Sligo - John FOLEY, 23; John McCUGLE, 32. From Vessel not named, Peter FINNIGAN, 30.
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