Weatherwise we have been living a topsy - turvy existence ..... up and down like a toilet seat in public places. Yesterday it was snowing .... then raining downpour style when we hit the hay around midnight,,,,,, followed by freezing rain overnight into the wee hours ...... with thermometer hovering around zero. About 4 in the morning I woke up to make a pit - stop and decided to check out traffic movement through our panoramic windows in the dining room........not knowing just how frozen the streets and parking lots had become while " visions of sugar plums " were dancing in my head. Unbespectacled in the darkness I made my way to the window and gazed out . Not ONE car was moving ....... just a lonely gritting lorry over near the Fairview Plaza. Then I looked downwards at our own parking lot below and could make out the rather fuzzy outline of a pick - up truck with its high beams illuminating the whole lot with silhouettes moving about in the shadows....... seemingly darting back and forth between the vehicule and the parked cars . Carthieves , says I to myself and I grab my handy three million candle - power spotlight ....... once feared by undesireables on Chemin du Ravin in my other life...... and I lit those suckers up from nine stories up like deer in the headlights.
It was a private contractor hired by the owners of our building to salt and sand our huge parking lot which is built on a major slope and deadly after freezing rain for fender benders , etc
Another first for me today on Canadian soil. I went out in shorts on December 12th to move my car to a better parking space. It was 15 C ... or 60 Fahrenheit !! Wake up weather tomorrow morn they are calling for - 10C !
I had a huge feast of quahogs .... above pic ... a type of hard - shell , short - necked clam which is quite popular in these parts...... more popular in Rhode Island though where it is highly revered by shellfish lovers.
This is for Bill !! Here I sit at my new Hampton pine philosopher's desk ..... striving , as always , to find better ways of rolling back the frontiers of human knowledge .... Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time "on my left and the New Jerusalem Bible on my right ( hidden ) . By the way , Bill , my new bookcase is made of "naughty "pine !!