Just a wee word of heartfelt thanks for all the encouraging comments and kind thoughts you have been sending my way through Fluff's blog during these last four months. It was a rough 'n tumble ... uphill struggle all the way ..... right down to the wire ..... but we finally pulled it off !! Driving home yesterday I pulled into a gas-station about two hours north of here for a last fill up. I well know that I looked like the wrath of God but managed to squeeze off a few words of wisdom to the chirpy young lady's query , " And how are you today , sir ? "....... I answered , " Tired , my dear , very tired ........ but still in the game........ and the damnedest thing about it all is that I have the deep feeling I'm winning !" . I got back on the road and the closer I got to Fluff , McDuff and the ocean the lighter that big black gorilla I had been lugging around on my back these last few months became until it finally jumped out the back door and disappeared into the mists near the Geary Woods and Enniskillen . I HAD WON !! What relief !! It will still take me some time to get back to blogging and commenting as before sooooooo....... greetings and hugs to you all and a special word to my friend , Jim.... reassuring him that he'll soon have a back - up rooster in the barnyard !!
P.S. As souvenirs and memories of my snow - shovelling days back in the "ravine " and my bouts with the Yellow River ..... Rivière Jaune every Spring for 34 years ....... I brought back my favourite shovel and one of 20 sump pumps from my basement.... installing them on my 9th - floor , penthouse balcony to remind my of my smart decision to come home to Saint John. Let's just hope and pray that God does not decide to afflick the earth by sending another epic flood as in the days of Noah.........