Thursday, June 26, 2008

Positive Fallout From Humdinger Toothache !!

One thing I have always loved about  a genuine , first - class toothache is that it shifts the centre for pain management to one spot only in the body ...... the throbbing hub..... the  tooth itself !! All our other woes , aches and pains .... whether real or imaginary.... results of aging , previous injuries ,  etc seem to dissipate into thin air whenever a "jim - dandy " of a toothache sets up shop in our lower back jaw..... as is my case at the present moment ! This reminds me a bit of what big banks and credit companies offer to do for us every year... borrow money from them to pay off our numerous minor debts .... thereby centralizing all debts in ONE humunguous debt with them ...... the Mega financiers !!! Free at last !! ...... yet still bound !!

So now back to my pulsating , shooting pain and to the full enjoyment or my toothache while it is still lets me know I'm alive !! This evening I have no room in my mind for the bumps and bruises and hang - ups of everyday living.... tonight I must deal with the grand- daddy of them all .... the blockbuster toothache...... and it is so cool !! All other concerns and worries  are simmering lukewarmly on  the back burner.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Acquiesce........

I have spent my whole life delving into the inner recesses of language.... the cogs , sprockets , gaskets  , nuts and bolts ,fanbelts , carburetors , idling pins , etc ..... even learning a few of them while fiddling around with a few more ....... constantly trying to grasp a better understanding of the intricate ... yet systematic.... workings of both God's and mankind's remarkable masterpiece.

After this rather fluffy introduction I believe I shall get down to the nitty - gritty of what I wish to say before Alzheimers sets in.... so here goes !

Almost 50 years ago I stopped using English on a daily basis when I took off for Italy and have used it only sporadically ever since....... that is until four years ago when Fluff ... "cuisle mo chroƬ "... Irish Gaelic for " pulse of my heart "...... came into my life for real. As most of you already know by now we have agreed to put her learning French and my " mastering " Swedish on the back burner for the moment and are speaking Shakespeare's own between us. This new situation has incited in me renewed interest for the English language , its grammar , stylistics and semantics. I find myself constantly confronted by words I know the meanings of but have never personally used in either speech or written form. One such word is the verb "to acquiesce ".... so I shall use it in a few concrete sentences so as to engrave it forever on my memory's hard-drive of words mastered !!

1) Most Americans have not yet acquiesced to the fact that some 20 million aliens.......Martians not included.... are running loose within the confines of "the home of the brave "!  

2) Some day we shall all acquiesce to the Grim Reaper's inevitable beckon ! 

3) After nearly 50 years of marriage and ample opportunities spurned Ann finally acquiesced to Bill's never learning Dutch !

4) To my way of thinking acquiescence is nothing other than disgruntled acceptance , begrudgingly throwing in the towel or maybe simply giving in unwillingly to some overwhelming situation.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Neighbours........








My dear friends , contacts and fellow gasguzzlers of the world. It's been some time now since I 've sat here .... pen in hand....( BG )... In some ways I feel like the guy who went down to the corner store for a pack of cigarettes and returned home some ten years later. All in all the last two months have been highly productive ...... life has been treating Fluff and myself with velvet gloves  .. so to speak. The ravages of Winter are far behind us .. not too much damage from Spring flooding ..... the pool up and running more smoothly than ever before......the numerous gardens ,flower boxes and hanging baskets all planted and blooming ............. plus two short but fun-packed trips to the Maine coast. I do believe I could take a liking to this good life !! Whilst driving a bit North of Kennebunkport , Maine exactly one month ago today we rounded a head of land and came face to face with the Bush Compound. I remember Fluff posting this pic that very night from our motelroom but I thought you might enjoy seeing who the neighbours across the wee cove or inlet are ... and what the houses look like. ..... huge estates .... and from the looks of the trash containers..... either the garbagemen are a careless lot or the local raccoons have been eating Popeye's spinach.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Having Computer Problems ?


This is India....... where you call when you have problems with your computer ! We 'll be online again soon from sunny Maine and the salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean.