About ten days ago I broke loose from Fluff and went out to run the routine errands.... the bank , post office and supermarket. While in the line up at the bank I happened to gaze over my shoulder and spied my friend , Boris ... It was a chilly day ..... maybe +1 Celcius ...but sunny . Boris is squat and stockily overweight and was barefoot in sandals and sporting soiled white shorts. Everybody else was muffled up and dressed for the weather. Now Boris and I go way back as we had lived in the same apartment building downtown some 35 years ago and we had moved up here to the boonies almost simultaneously so I blurted out spontaneously , " You just got off the plane , Boris ?" In his usual gruff voice Boris queried , " What plane ?"....... to which I replied , " From the Barbados !" Because of the silence everybody .... even the tellers....were tuned into our conversation. The place erupted in laughter... Boris too...
Anyways yesterday Fluff let me go it alone again. So I starrted out at the bank .... in a rather short line up. After a minute a raspy voice spoke up behind me , " Je vois que tu t' es échappé à sa surveillance encore une fois !". . " You' ve snuck out on her again I see!" . I swung around to see the usually scowly jowly face of my friend Boris transformed by a smiley one.... from ear to ear. It was his turn to get a few laughs so I let things be and played the role of stereotyped , bedraggled husband. I decided to let Boris carry the day and not cheapen myself nor him by making some stupid snide remark about his apparel as he looked as though he had just clothed himself at the local Salvation Army haberdashery and would have been easy pickin's. Joking around and humour such as ours should never lose sight of respect for the other guy.
I went from the bank to the post office where , of course , I ran into Boris once again....... complaining about some retarded Income Tax civil servant who kept sending unwarranted mail. From there on to the supermarket where , at Fluff's request . I am picking up items necessary for maintaining harmony between body and soul for the ensuing 48 hours. When I turned the corner near the dairy produce / products I was ambushed by a woman in a white smock , one of those people pushing a certain brand. She saw me put a liter of Lactantia milk in my basket and tried to entice me to try hers by offering me a 10% discount. I told the lady that I wouldn't dare bring anything else home but Lactantia milk ... otherwise my wife ....who is much younger and bigger than myself..... would beat the living daylights out of me. Since I said it with a straight face the woman froze like a doe in the headlights. Just then I saw Boris turn the corner too.... he had been listening to our conversation so he uttered to the poor lady as he wheeled his cart by us , " Il dit vrai..... je connais sa femme..... elle est costaude et méchante..... très méchante !" ....." He's telling the truth..... I know his wife......she's big and mean...... real mean ! He said this without breaking his stride nor cracking a smile........ that is until we both reached the check-out counter where we both had a good chuckle. Another day of routine errands ends.